Prologue Part II: The Devastating Prophecy

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Okay so I hope you liked the first part of the prologue! This is the second part....obviously. It is written by yours truly, StellaLuna23. Enjoy! 


A dear lady with such sorrow

Her husband, lost

And at what cost?

Flames of fire

So high and so hot

Through it all the man fought

But the hero did not emerge 

For the black of smoke took his life

In exchange the one he loved was saved,

The wife

There is more, oh what sadness

Not only a widow is she

A could have been mother I see

Tried and tried for many years

But each time ended in tears

Doomed to believe nothing is left

You stand before me 

The truth is what you seek

To know if this time will succeed 

It's finally come to tell the prophecy

Believe what you will

My words are true

To most of your liking they shall fill

A child you shall bare

Golden hair and ice blue eyes

Female she will be

Which you may never see

Missing is a heart

Her life will never start

Unusual case this is

There's a way she can be saved

A dagger of gold

With more power than you can behold

She'll live like any other

Until her time comes

To sacrifice her heart

For the chosen one

The "one", a curse they will be under

Defined by hair of night

And eyes like golden light

Tests she will use to see,

If the "one" is truly worthy

The dagger she will use 

To save the one

Someone who will save a race

Then, her life will be done

All there is has been said 

This prophecy from long ago

Keep quiet no one must know

Be careful and be safe...

~Spoken by the oracle Anra


              Anger surged through her body. She balled her hands in frustration. She began to swing her fist at a boy, but a hand held her elbow leaving her immobilized. She did not need to turn around to know who had stopped her.

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