Chapter 2: That was easy

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Sorry for not uploading sooner ... again. I really should do it more often. Anyways, here's the new chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it.


"Sonic!!!" everyone yelled and ran in his diraction. "Sonic are you ... ?" Amy wanted to say but was interrupted. "Shadow." Rouge said and before he had a chance to get up, he lay back down on the ground because Rouge hugged him. "Are you okay?" Shadow asked a bit concerned. "Yeah I'm okay, I just thought that I'll never see you again." she wispers and started to cry. "As if they could defeat me." Shadow replied. "Faker! Next time look where you're running." Sonic said while rubbing his head. "I can say the same to you." Shadow replied a bit angry. "Looks like we no longer have to rescue you." Tails said and smiled at the others. "How did you escape?" Silver asked all of a sudden and Shadow answered "Well ..."



Shadow was chained to the wall but broke the chains as he saw Mephiles and Rapidus. After he defeated them, Shadow took the two Chaos Emerald and said"Chaos Control". In the next second Shadow was gone.

Shadow stood in the forest where he saw his friends at last. "Looks like they aren't here anymore. Maybe they are at Tails' workshop." Shadow thought and started running.


End of Flashback

"... and then I crashed into Sonic." Shadow said and looked a bit angry at Sonic. "Hey, it wasn't my fault that we crushed together!" Sonic said annoyed and Shadow gave him a death glare. "Do you two always have to argue with each other?" Amy asked before Sonic and Shadow could say anything else. "Yeah, you two akt as if you're brothers." Silver said and walked beside Amy. "Shut up Silver!!!" Sonic and Shadow said at the same time. "As I said, like brothers." Silver said and opened his eyes again just to dodge a Chaos Spear. "Ahhh!!! Help me!" Silver said while he jumped back and hid behind Blaze. "You know that you can't always hide behind me you know." Blaze said and the others bagan to giggle and Silver just blushed.

"Now that we found Shadow can I go back to my Master Emerald now?" Knuckles asked impatiently and Tails nodded. "Finally. Come on Tikal we go." Knuckles commanded and took her hand. "Okay, buy guys." Tikal said and followed Knuckles. "I think we should go home too." Rouges said while she was still hugging Shadow. "But before we go, Tails could you get those chains off of my wrists?" Shadow asked. "Sure, why not?" Tails replied and started walking. "By the way, why did you two came to Tails' house in the first place." Amy asked Blaze and Silver all of a sudden. "Oh ... We actually just wanted to see how you guys were doing." Silver replied and Blaze said "And now that we know you all are okay we should go home too." "I also have to go home. I promised my mother to help her in the garden." Cream said and also went home. Sonic, Amy, Tails, Shadow and Rouge went to Tails' workshop.

In the workshop Tails removed the chains from Shadows wrists. "Thanks Tails." Shadow said and Tails replied "Your welcome." "Can we go home now?" Rouge asked and went to Shadow who nodded. "Bye." Amy and Sonic said at the same time. "Bye." Rouge replied and Shadow took one of the Chaos Emerald and said "Chaos Control" and the two were gone.

After Shadow and Rouge were gone, Sonic suddenly began to smile. "Why are you smiling?" Tails asked with a confused look on her face. "Shadow and Rouge forgot about the photo I made this morning." Sonic replied and Amy asked "By the way, can I also see it?" "Sure, here." Sonic said and gave Amy his cell phone. "They would be a great couple. Why can't they be together?" Amy said while looking at the picture.


At Rouge's apartment

"Finally at home again." Rouge said and let herself fall on the couch. "By the way, do you know where Mephiles is hiding." Rouge asked and sat back up. "No, I grabbed the Chaos Emeralds and chaos controlled me back into the forest. I hadn't time for exploring." Shadow replied and sat down beside her. Rouge suddenly jumped up and said "I'm so stupid." "What's wrong?" Shadow asked and was now standing in front of her. "I wanted to delete the photo which Sonic made this morning." Rouge replied and Shadow answered "I'm back in a second." and disapeared.


At the same time in Tails' living room

"I don't think that Shadow and Rouge are happy about that." Tails said a bit concerned as Sonic and Amy entered the living room. "Don't worry. I'm sure they already forgot about it." Sonic said and Amy took Sonic's hand. "If you need anything from me, I'm in my workshop." Tails said and left the room while Sonic and Amy sat down on the couch. The second Tails was out of the room Sonic and Amy started to cuddle. "Amy can I ask you something." Sonic asked and looked into her eyes. "Sure, why not." Amy replied and was now also staring into Sonic's eyes. "Would you like to go to the cinema with me?" Sonic asked and got a bit closer to Amy. "I would love to." Amy replied but before they had the chance to kiss each other the got interrupted by a bright light. "Oh great!!!" was the only thing Sonic could say before he was pinned to the wall.

"Have you really thought that Rouge and would forget about the photo? Give me your phone, now." Shadow commanded angrily. Sonic did what he was told and Shadow let go of him. Amy was just standing beside and tried not to giggle and she was lucky that Shadow didn't turned around. Two seconds later Shadow disapeared with Sonic's cell phone in a bright light and Amy now started to laugh and Sonic also was giggling.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that I didn't made too many mistakes. Please vote, comment if you want. I'll try to upload the next chapter tomorrow.

By the way, I stopped writing times. I hope you didn't mind but they really started to get on my nerves.

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