16. That's A Bed, Not...

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16. That's A Bed, Not...

Scooping Harry up, Molly took him into her ensuite and put him on the toilet.

"Don't move until I come back, except to do a wee," she ordered. Leaving him there, she corralled Hermione, Ron and Ginny into her room. After wrestling Ginny into a diaper, Hermione into a big T-shirt that was Fred's before he shrunk, and Ron into pyjama shorts, she left them on her bed while she checked on Harry.

"Good boy, Harry!" she said when she saw that he had used the toilet. Cleaning him up and holding him up to the sink to wash his hands, she made a sticker chart appear on the bathroom wall and handed him a red sticker. As he proudly stuck it on the first square, Molly told him, "When you're done, I need you to get into your pyjamas – and yes, you can wear Big Boy Underwear."

Then she left the room, to tuck the other three children firmly into bed, and take the sheets from Harry's bed. Laying down two mattress protectors, she remade the bed, and then put another mattress protector over the top and made a second lot of sheets. This would be the first time Harry would sleep without protection; Ron had only started doing it since Harry had backtracked on his bladder control, and Harry had never had that chance. Remembering her years of toilet training, Molly knew that double making the bed for naptime would be easier than having to clean up a bed and a half-asleep child, while trying not to wake up the other child in the room. She had, after all, potty trained Bill and Charlie only months apart (once he saw what his older brother was doing, Charlie clamoured for his own underwear), not to mention Fred and George simultaneously (which, due to the fact that both boys were intelligent and competitive, was actually not as difficult as one might think – until they learned how to aim and would usually emerge from the bathroom with one winner and one disturbingly damp loser). She had also trained Ginny and Ron almost simultaneously the first time; but now, even though Ginny probably could have managed to keep up, Molly was not willing to add a fourth child to the triplets.

Once the bed was made to satisfaction, Molly tucked Harry in, then left the room with Harry under strict instructions to get up if he needed the bathroom.

Downstairs, Molly cursed herself for reminiscing on the days when Fred and George had pee wars with each other, as it seemed that the boys had also remembered that. She heard war cries from the bathroom, and went in to see Fred and George spraying up a storm, with Percy hiding behind the shower curtain and yelling encouragement.

"STOP THIS, RIGHT NOW!" Molly roared in her Mum Voice. The three boys immediately froze, and looked guiltily at their mother. "You two, put those away now, and then get yourselves upstairs ready for a nap. I don't want to hear it, if you can act like you're Ginny's age, you can nap like you're Ginny's age. And you, Percival Weasley – did I not ask you and your brothers to clean up the kitchen and be responsible? I am very disappointed. As for you, Fred and George – we're going to have a talk when you're allowed out of your room. Upstairs, the three of you!"

Fred and George sloped up the stairs and Percy followed, as a glare from Molly caused the bathroom to set about cleaning itself. First ducking into the kitchen to make sure that her older two were at least doing the right thing – they were, Charlie was drying the dishes and Bill was wiping down the counter – she followed her three boys up the stairs. Percy and George were darting out of her bedroom, whacking at each other with towels, neither of them wearing a shirt. As she was about to stop them, Fred dropped from the top of the doorframe onto his brother's head.

"Petrificus Totalus," Molly sighed. Immediately the boys froze, Percy toppling over with Fred still on him. She carted each of the boys into her room, summoned clothes for them, and locked the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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