12. Harry's Day

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A/N: Thanks thanks thanks to the lovely @callmesnuffles for writing this chapter!! Go and check her out.  

Two weeks had passed since the Harry's first nightmare, but not once did he not have to live through those horrible memories. Molly was getting more and more concerned, the pressing matters of getting those babies back to their original age felt like a dead weight on her shoulders. Slowly, it started weighing her down; her temper was shorter, as well as her patience and it took all she had to not regret her agreement to have them over the summer until they found a way to undo it. She couldn't keep them forever!

'Mummy?' called Hermione from the corner of the living room, huddled in warm blankets by the blazing fire.
Molly only looked up from her knitting to show that she had heard and was listening.
'What if we upside down? What if rain fall from ground not sky?' she questioned, eyebrows furrowed.
'Pumpkin, of course we're not upside down. It's time for bed now anyway. Come up with me.' Molly let go of her knitting on the cushioned seat behind and held out her hand for Hermione to take.
'How do you-'
'That's quite enough. I already let you stay here longer, so don't ruin it now,' Molly told her sternly, leading her up the stairs.
After fifteen minutes the little ones were all in bed, and Molly was finally downstairs in the company of Percy, Charlie, Bill and her husband.

'You okay, love?' Arthur asked. 

'Long day,' the exhausted mother sighed, letting herself drop onto the sofa.
'Yeah, mum you should go up to bed. I'll take care of putting Percy to bed,' said Bill gently, placing a hand on his mother's shoulder. 'You too Dad, you promised to play Quidditch with us tomorrow.'
'But-' she started protesting.
'Catch up on your sleep. You need it.'
Molly trudged up the stairs like an exhausted child that refused to admit they were tired, followed by her husband. It made everyone chuckle and Bill reminded Percy that he had ten minutes before he would need to go to bed, as it was already eight thirty. Percy wasn't very difficult about having to go to sleep but when it wasn't Molly or Arthur he refused to obey. He didn't understand why his brothers could boss him around and not the other way around. 
'Percy, time for bed now,' called Bill when it was time, already starting to get up from his seat.
'No.' Percy folded his arms and shot death glares at his brother. Charlie just liked to stay out of the way, not wanting to get involved in any drama and fights.
'Percy, come with me right now. If you don't, mum will know about it and we don't want to upset her do we? Have you seen how tired and overwhelmed she is?' Bill knew he was trying to guilt trip his brother into obeying, but figured that it was his duty as a brother to abuse every weak spot he knew of.
Percy scowled at him.
'Percival Ignatius Weasley. I am thirteen and you are seven. I am six years older than you and you will listen to me.' Bill raised his eyebrow in a warning look.
Percy finally gave in and stomped up the stairs and slammed his bedroom door closed.
Bill sighed wearily and went back to his book.
'I'll make sure he's changed and in bed,' smiled Charlie a little while later when Bill started to get up.
'Thanks Charlie.'
'No worries.' Charlie smiled and ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time. 'Don't stay up too late!'

The next morning, Molly awoke to sunlight burning through the thin, white curtains. Six thirty in the morning, it was. She tiptoed upstairs to Harry and Ron's room to find the little black haired boy sobbing, upright in his bed, and Ron sending him sleepy glares. 
'Oh, honey!' Molly exclaimed, throwing herself at Harry's bed, holding him into her arms. Harry snuggled against her chest, and his desperate sobs reduced to occasional sniffing. Carrying him downstairs, Molly knew what would soothe him. Although not a Weasley by blood, he had the same appetite as his brothers. 

'What do you think about blueberry pancakes for breakfast, dear?' Molly darted around the kitchen, collecting ingredients after Harry's nod. He was sitting on a high stool, his legs crossed, covered in a light, summer morning robe and his hair sticking up in odd places as it usually did. 
The scent of the pancakes cooking engulfed Harry's nose and he impatiently wriggled on his chair.
'Now, now, dear. Wait a moment.' chuckled Molly, delicately slipping two thick, golden and blue pancakes onto his plate. A grin crept up on Harry's face and he tucked in, gulping down the pancake that Molly had cut into squares.
'Ron sleep?' asked Harry, chewing about his food.
'Harry, no talking with your mouth open!' Molly gently scolded. 'But yes, that sleepy head still isn't awake. No one is, it's quarter to seven!'
Harry giggled at her tone. 
'How about a you and me day, huh?'
Harry just nodded enthusiastically.
'I love you, Harry.' Molly told him, pecking his forehead.
'I love you too mummy!' Harry exclaimed making Molly blush and smile sadly at the thought of Lily and James Potter, his true parents.
By the time that Harry and Molly were fed and dressed, it was almost seven thirty. 
It was hot outside, and even though it was the summer it was quite rare that the temperature reached this high so they had taken the opportunity that Arthur was at home that day to be on their own for a bit. 

They arrived in Diagon Alley, the streets crowded with shoppers and the air loud with chatters. Harry gazed around, his eyes as wide as owls darting around the place, trying to take in the view. It wasn't the first time, but definitely had never seen it so crowded.
They spent the rest of the morning visiting toy shops and buying little things with the money Dumbledore had given her yesterday, he said he wanted all of the kids to get a little extra treat. But he also mentioned that Molly should get something to please herself.
At lunch they hurried along the streets to a little cafe and got two sandwiches and some water.
'Yes, Harry?'
'Can we stop at a bench?' he moaned, having to run to keep up.
Molly slowed down and they found a small wooden bench to sit on. She beamed happily; Harry had improved a lot in his speaking, he was almost as good as Hermione now! Ron, however, was finding it a little harder to organise words into a sentence. It depended on the child. Molly silently unwrapped the two sandwiches from their clear, plastic wrappings and handed one to Harry, who was sitting to her left.
'What do we say?' asked Molly, her eyebrows raised as stared expectantly at Harry, who had already taken the sandwich and was already chewing on his first bite.
'Thank you Mummy!' Harry grinned at her.
Molly laughed and tucked in to hers.
In the afternoon, Molly and Harry left Diagon Alley and she took him to a muggle park. Molly sighed and dropped down on the park bench, keeping a lookout for Harry who was playing in the slides.

'What. A. Day.' 

Molly dropped down on her bed, Arthur reading next to her.

'Good?' Arthur asked, tearing his eyes away from his book.
'Definitely!' assured Molly. 'Thanks for taking care of the kids.'
'No problem. Good night love.' Arthur dropped a kiss on his wife's lips and turned over.
In her head, Molly ran through the things they had bought with Dumbledore's money. A toy broom for Harry - his parents bought him one when he was little. Crayons; parchment. A cookbook - Gilderoy hasn't released anything for a while. Oh, that's why. Of course. A gardening book. Picture books for the kids - I should see if Hermione can read yet. 

Molly felt guilty as she realised how many things they had bought with Dumbledore's money.
She also made a mental note to take Ron and Hermione for a special day out soon. But Harry had needed her, and she felt it would ease his nightmares for a bit.

A/N: Do you guys love it as much as I do?! Again, callmesnuffles wrote this, and I loved it so much I had to share it with you guys (okay, I did a tiny bit of editing. But it was mainly because I wanted to mention Gilderoy). And it's given me more ideas, so hopefully I can write more soon. Please give some love to our guest author for this chapter - vote and comment! 

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