Kaito Has Feelings.

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                    Ok quick note sorry if this seems exactly like someone else's oops. Ok on to the story!

         (Kaito's POV)                   

Kaito woke up thinking about Len. Sorta the only thing he was thinking about. The way he smiled, the way he laughed and just him in general. He began to develop feelings for him and maybe was going crazy for Len. Nah, he thought to himself. It wouldn't work. He went downstairs to get breakfast and saw Len sitting in a chair looking at his phone. Kaito could not help but blush when Len looked at him. He quickly rushed to the kitchen. He wanted to tell Len how he felt but was to nervous even to look at him. "Hey Kaito while your in there could you pour me a glass of milk and maybe get me a banana?" Len asked. "Uh sure" Kaito said while blushing. He poured the milk and grabbed a banana. He handed both to Len. Len accidently touched his hand when grabbing the milk. "Thanks Kaito" Len said while he smiled, but all Kaito could do was nod. He then went back to his room completely forgetting to eat. He stared down at his hand. Len had touched his hand. He sat down blushing and rethinking the moment it happened. He then heard Teto downstairs talking with Len. Kaito felt angry but it was weird. Was he jelous or... He laughed it off.

(Len's POV)

Teto began to talk to Len about a new song she came up with. Len kept looking at his phone waiting for his friend to reply. Teto continued to talk but then noticed Len had stopped listening. "LEN DID YOU EVEN LISTEN TO WHAT I WAS SAYING" Teto yelled. "Yes you have a new song you want to sing I get it" Len said a little annoyed. He got up and went to his room passing Kaito's on the way. He saw Kaito writing something down. "Hey Kaito watcha up to." "Oh nothing just writing a little story thats all, why do you need something?" Len shook his head and walked off.

(Kaito's POV)

Kaito had lied to Len. He felt so bad but he did not want Len to find out he was going crazy for him. Teto had yelled at Len. Now Kaito wanted her dead. "Dont yell at my Len" he mumbled to himself. He continued to draw a small knife. He smirked to himself.

Writer here: Soo how did I do for my first first fan fic. Im going to probably write three parts tonight but yeah believe it or not I write alot about yanderes. :3 Welp on to my next part!!

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