The Face In The Window

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Here's a horror story from an account on Reddit. 

When I was about 10, my family of six lived in an extremely small apartment. Two bedrooms upstairs and then the living room. When I was tired of my siblings I would sleep downstairs on the couch. 

One night I am lying on the couch facing the front door and watching the sky through the window by the door when a face shows up in the window illuminated by a lighter. I freeze, and the face goes away. I'm pretty relieved, thinking it was maybe our druggie neighbors seeing if my parents were still awake, but then it shows up again. I try to scream but when I open my mouth nothing came out, not a sound. 

The person then kicks in the door and walks in the room, he sees me, smiles and goes towards the kitchen. The guy comes out of the kitchen with a knife and by now i'm close to tears. My dad must've heard the commotion because, he made his way down the stairs and thankfully the guy boots it out of there. 

I still can't sleep easily on couches to this day.  


Has anything like this ever happened to you?

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