My Cousin.. Louis Tomlinson (One Direction: Niall Horan)

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*Louis' POV*

*ring ring* I sighed. Who the hell calls me at 1am?! I didn't bother looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked

"Louis" I heard my mum cry

"Mums what's wrong?!" I asked

"It's Dani"

'Who?" who's is she? did mum forget to tell me something?

"It's your cousin. Please, she's at the hospital in London and I can't get there."

"Okay.. i'll go"

"Thank you. Please take care of her, bye"

"Bye" I Hung up.

Why would my mum want me to get up at 1am to go to the hospital and see my cousin I've never met?

I quickly got out of bed and ran around the house with 4 sleeping boys in.

"Louis?" I heard Liam's voice ask from behind me.

"Hey Liam I gotta go, It's important i'll be back later"

"What's so important at 1am?" "It's my cousin, bye" I said running out the door and driving to the hospital.


I walked into the hospital. "hello sir" "erm hi, my mum called me. i'm here to see Dani" "Dani who?" I thought we'll she's my cousin so maybe It's Tomlinson "Tomlinson" I replied with a smile. she nodded and told me the room.

I walked into her room and saw a little fragile girl laying on the bed with the doctor talking to her.

"Hi" I said to be noticed. "You must be Mr. Tomlinson?" the doctor said turning to me "yeah."

"I'm Dr. Griffins." he said and turned to Dani, "Dani this is your cousin okay? He's a nice man. i'll leave you two along to talk" she did a sly nod and he turned to me "i'll be back shortly to explain what happened"

On that note he left the room.

"Dani?" I said in a small voice not wanting to scare her and slowly walked to her. "I promise I won't hurt you okay?" she just looked at me.

Idea! "Hey Dani" I sat on the end of her bed "do you like the band One Direction" she nodded "well i'm in that band" I smiled. "It's okay to talk" I said getting a little closer.

"Who's your favourite member?" I said giving her a reassuring smile. "I like Niall." she said in a very small voice. "How old are you?" "16" she said still quietly. "After we get you out of hospital, we can take you to meet the boys" she actually smiled.

That's when the doctor walked back in "Mr. Toml-" "just call me Louis" he nodded "Louis can I talk to you outside?" I nodded and got up walking out.

He explained to me Danis Story and how she got in here.

I couldn't believe what I just heard..


Hi!!!! I hope you guys enjoy my book! I love writing for all you people! I now have 4 book XD

Sorry because my updates can be real slow and ily all.

Sorry this chapters small! I promise to get the other ones bigger :)

Check out my other books maybe? (:

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Love you my little cupcakes!

-Danielle (: xx

My Cousin.. Louis Tomlinson (One Direction: Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now