Chapter 13-Memories

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Y/n's POV
Chase sat down in a chair whiled Davenport and Douglas got everything set up. I helped by setting Chase up with this weird machine. "This helmet will be connected to the cyber desk. I filed all of your memories onto this lock file that only I know the password to. Remember this Chase u will be in quite pain when this happens. As the memories enter your mind u will get images of the past then u will basically relive it until the moment I took your memories away. U will see everything in your perspective. Good luck Chase!" Mr. Davenport explained everything. I straddled Chase and kissed him. I pulled away before it turned heated and said, "I'll be waiting for u! I love u!" He smiles at me kisses me again and says, "I love u two!" Then I got off of him and watched Me. Davenport set up the file to give Chase back his memories. Douglas turned it on and Chase started to scream. I squatted down and started to cry.

Chase's POV
The pain is really bad. Soon it went away and I fell asleep. I was in an orphanage with Adam and Bree. This guy came up to us and said, "hi kids! Im your dad now!" We all smiled because we we're finally being adopted. We packed our things and went with the man. He took us to his house and we walked in. There was this really pretty girl and this other boy beside her. "Adam Bree chase this is my sort of daughter y/n and your new brother Marcus." The girl jumps down from where she is. I'm surprised she didn't hurt herself. She hugged us all and said, "Welcome to your new home! Now I'm telling u now I'm technically not your sister because Douglas didn't actually adopt me like he did u and Marcus!" "Well it's nice to meet u!" I said grabbing her hand and kissing it. "Such a gentleman! I will show u all to your rooms." She took Adam first to his room, then Bree, and she said she saved the best for last ...ME! We walked down the hallway and she opened the second to last door to the right. "Here u go. My room is right next door if u need anything Chase!" She walks away with that. Then the scenery changed. "You guys are going to meet my brother Donald Davenport today. He will be here in three hours so u have that long to get ready." Y/n grabbed my hand and started running outside. We made it into the woods but we didn't go far. "Close your eyes! Please!" I closed my eyes and she guided me through the woods. We stopped and she told me to open my eyes. I opened my eyes and smiled. "I finished our hideout." I walked in and it looked amazing. We sat down on a log and I pulled out a gift. "I think u should have this to remember me by!" She smiles at me, "I will never forget u!" She takes and opens the gift to see the ring. "It's beautiful!" She kissed me on the cheek and put the ring back in the box. She put the box by the tree and berried it by the tree. She marked the spot with a stick and came back to sit with me. "Chase...We don't know what's going to happen, but will u promise me something?" "Yes!" "Promise me that u will always remember me and the times we have had together?" "I promise! Promise to find me if this promise is broken?" "I promise!" She kisses me on the cheek and I kissed her on the forehead. We went back to the house and Douglas and Mr. Davenport was there. Y/n went into hiding and I went to clean myself up. Douglas had Adam, Bree and I show our abilities and Mr. Davenport looks shocked. He argues with Douglas, then I felt an arm wrap around me. Mr. Davenport was taking us away. I looked up and saw y/n trying to say goodbye but she didn't get the chance! The scenery changed and we are at Davenport's house...with something to wipe out memories. "No don't do it! I have a promise to keep!!" Next thing I know I feel a pain in my neck and a tingling sensation in my brain.

Chase shoots up from his dreaming or whatever breathing heavily. I go up to him and hug him. "Are u ok?" "I'm fine.  I broke my promise you though." "Ik it wasn't your fault though. Promise!" We hug again and he kisses me. I kiss back with passion. Let's just say things got really heated that night.

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