Today's the Day

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"Our wedding is in six months," he said with tears rolling down his cheeks. "She promised me she would make it. We tried moving up our wedding by a couple months but it just won't work." I stood there looking at my shoes trying to not reveal any emotions. Then it came to me.

"What if your wedding could be today?" I asked him. And his face lit up like a Christmas tree.


"You know it's bad luck to see each other before the wedding," Derek said walking towards me and gave me a peck on the cheek. "What was so urgent that you demanded my presence?"

"Well I wanted to talk to you about the wedding," I said with a small smirk on my face.

"Meredith please tell me you aren't walking out on me," he pleaded. 

"Derek Christopher Shepherd how dare you say that!" I yelled at him while slapping him on the arm. "No I'm not backing out, okay well maybe I kind of am, but not in that way." He looked at me with complete confusion. "What do you say we give our wedding to someone who doesn't look like they'll be alive for theres?"


"It's probably a little big on you, but no one will no," I said as I tied my wedding dress onto Savannah. She still seemed weak from her episode this morning, but she definitely regained some of her strength whenever I gave her the news.

"Dr. Grey I can't thank you enough for what you're doing for us. This was supposed to be your big day," she said.

"I have plenty of time to have another big day," I told her. "I've been in your shoes before you know, not knowing if you'll have enough time to do everything you want to do in your life. I understand the struggle. So don't think you're taking anything away from myself or my fiance's, because you're not. We know what it's like to think that today is the last day you'll make eye contact with the love of your life. It's just a simple way for us to pay it forward." Savannah smiled and tears slowly began to roll down her cheeks. "Hey don't cry! You're going to mess up all that makeup I just put on your face." We both began to laugh as we heard a soft knock on the door.

"Are you both ready?" Derek asked with a smile. "The cafeteria is all set up and the lunch lady's won't stop talking about how they have never seen this many people in their cafeteria."

"Almost," I said smiling at him. "Here are the rings, please don't lose them," I told him as I handed him the box. 

"I won't," he said as he winked at me and kissed me softly on the lips. "I'll see you both down there."

"You ready?" I asked Savannah. "As your maid of honor, I have to ask if you want to run or go through with this you know."

"I'm ready, Dr. Grey. I just feel bad because not all of our family is here," she said with a tone of sadness in her voice.

"Oh don't worry," I told her. "The Shepherd family will make up for that. I honestly never knew that there could be that many people with the last name." With that I called the nurses in to get me wheel chair. The placed Savannah in it and attached the monitors necessary for her survival to it. I wheeled her down to the cafeteria where her father took over. I walked down the aisle ahead of her flashing a smile at Derek who winked at me again. 

The ceremony was short, sweet, and to the point which was all Savannah and Landon needed. The cafeteria bursted into applause when they kissed each other and as they walked back up the aisle. The cafeteria exploded with music and food. People who didn't even know the couple congratulated them, and of course, I was right whenever I said that the entire Shepherd clan made up for those who weren't there. I stood there talking to Carolyn before Derek came up behind me and grabbed me around the waist.

"Sorry Ma, but I have to steal her for a second," he told his mother.

"Of course, son, but please bring her back because I'm yet to tell her some embarrassing stories from your younger years," she said with a smile.

"Yeah DerBear, I've already her some interesting things," I told him with a laugh. He kissed his mother on the cheek and took be my the hand out of the cafeteria. "Derek where are we going?" I asked him as we walked down the hallway.

"You'll see," he said with a smirk. We entered a conference room where the Chaplin was standing.

"Derek what the?" I asked.

"It was always meant to be our day. I did a little rearranging and Steve here printed off an extra marriage certificate for us," he told me. I turned around and looked at him in surprise. "You never wanted a huge ceremony, but you were going to do it for me. So here's the ceremony you and I always imagined. Just us two, no pushy siblings, no embarrassing parents, just us two and the Chaplin." I wrapped my arms around him and looked straight into his eyes.

"And this is why I'm never gonna walk out," I said while smiling at him. We walked over to where Steve was standing and he quickly began the ceremony.

"Derek and Meredith, we are gathered here today to celebrate the sacrament of marriage. Derek, do you take Meredith as your wife, to promise to love her, to care for her, and fulfill all of your duties as her husband?" he asked.

"I do," he said with a smile.

"Meredith, do you take Derek as your husband, to promise to love him, to care for him, and fulfill all of your duties as his wife?" he asked once more.

"I do," I answered. 

"Meredith, Derek wants to say something before he gives you the ring, but if you would place his ring on his finger," he told me, and I did. "Now Derek go on."

"Meredith Grey, I knew when I met you it was fate, whether you wanted to believe it or not. The moment I laid eyes on you, my heart told me you were the one. And whenever you played hard to get, it only reassured me that you were most definitely the one. And as I've walked through the past year and a half with you, my gut has only confirmed that you are the one for me. Your dark and twistiness keeps me on my toes and is a quality I love most about you. You care for other as if they are your own, and you love me as I am your other half. I can't wait to take on the rest of our lives with you." With that he slid the ring on my finger and I looked up to him with tears wallowing in my eyes.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Steve said. And before he could finish the sentence Derek kissed me passionately, something that I couldn't wait to do for the rest of my life.

"I'm still being called Dr. Grey you know," I said with a smirk. We both laughed and walked hand in hand back down to the cafeteria to share our exciting news and help celebrate the newlyweds. 

So I made you guys wait for a little bit! I'm finally on fall break so I thought I would update for y'all. I hope you enjoyed it! I don't know how long I can continue this story, but I'm so excited for the few ideas I still have prepared for y'all!

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