Chapter 18

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Stay  stay stay, I've been loving you for quite some time time time, you think that it's funny when I'm mad mad mad, I think that it's best if we both stay...

      School, work, home, work, home, school, work, home, work, home, school, work, home, work, home...

      I walked into second block and up to Ms. Snow saying, "I am stuck in such a freaking rut that I will never be out of." She just waved her hand for me to continue talking while taking a seat in her chair. Taking a deep breath I continued, "It's just the same thing every single day except for one break on Sunday but that is the only one I get, and it sucks! I am slowly going insane!"

     "Well, doesn''t Cody come over to your house everyday and to the library," Ms. Snow asked tapping a pencil thoughtfully against her chin. I nodded and she said, "Well that should take your mind off of some stuff and yes you are stuck in a rut but that's because you put yourself there. You need to go out and plan something to do if you feel like this, just find a time to fit it in."

    "Yes mom," I muttered and she playfully rapped my hand with the pencil making me laugh as I made my way into my seat. Cody walked in at that moment and took up his spot next to me and I asked, "Wanna do something tomorrow?"

     He smiled over at me and asked, "Well tomorrow is Saturday, and while you don't have work at the library you do have work at the hospital so your only free time is between lunch and nine at night, so what do you have in mind?"

     I stared thoughtfully at my desk and shrugged because I honestly didn't have any idea of what we could do. Cody laughed and nudged me with his knee saying, "Don't worry, I think I have the perfect idea, but do you think you can get a babysitter this one time?"

     "Yeah no problem," I said with a smile and turned to look forward. Ms. Snow winked at me with a knowing smile and I just rolled my eyes to show her how unamused I was at that.

     After school, Cody drove us over to the library after picking me up at my house, like he has been doing the past few days. I still was uncomfortable with wasting his gas but he wouldn't hear about it at all. He must have noticed me smiling when we hopped out of the car because he asked, "What has gotten you in a good mood?"

     "Well it's pay day, so I get to get rid of the pile of bills on my counter for the next two weeks, and I have extra money to make a savings account with, so why shouldn't I be happy?" I asked leading us into the library where Mrs. Smith was standing and glaring. She watched me clock in right on time like I did everyday before huffing, handing me my paycheck, and walking into her office where she would hide out until we left at five.

     Cody and I shared a look and I ripped open my paycheck and started doing some quick calculations before smiling in relief, "Well that's one stack of bills I don't need to worry about this time." I slid the check into my wallet and stuffed my purse under the counter while Cody grabbed his usual table, now just a few feet from the counter.

     The hours passed slowly after the first hour when all of the kids came by to get their weekend's homework. Tapping my pen against my lip thoughtfully, I filled in some more blanks on the worksheet I had for biology when I heard a throat clear above me. "May I help you," I asked standing up straight and coming face to face with Tyler who was grinning devilishly at me.

     "Ma'am, can you help me locate a book," he asked taking my hand and leading me around the counter. He spun me around in a circle and I started laughing causing Cody to look up in confusion. 

     "Yo man, what are you doing here," he asked clapping Tyler on the back who still had my hand captive and spun me around one more time before letting go.

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