Chapter 2: A Day At Work

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She stopped in front of the library. From the outside, it looked small and cosy, with blinds that were only partly open and old books in the windows. It was built of wood, almost shack-like, but it had an amateur air around it, as if someone had no idea what they were doing when theyd built it. That theory proved to be true upon entering the library. She almost fell into a gap, which should have been covered with a floorboard. The doorframe looked like it was teared apart by wolves. She now understood why the pay was so little. No one ever visited this library. She knew she wouldnt.

I man came up to her just after she passed the first set of bookcases. He was tall, and had thick glasses that was more along his nose than it should be.

Hey! What can I help you with? he looked extremely excited to have a customer.

Im Julia. Im here for the job.

His face fell, Oh, well, come on through then,

She followed him as he went up a hallway covered with books. At least there were lots of books, she thought, but that could be a bad thing, too. Im Tom Henshaw, the boss here, although not the owner of the property. He then turned abruptly into a doorway and said, This is the coffee shop. Its small, but thats getting fixed. See those people over there? he pointed, and she saw three people sitting at a small table, loads of papers between them. Then, with a gasp clearly more audible than she had hoped, she saw Mr. Daniel Radd. He was wearing a red suit, dressed for a wedding more than a brunch. His hair was combed back, unlike yesterday evening.

The man took it as something different, though, Yes, I know, Daniel Radd coming to our small town to fix the library, its amazing, to think he has time for that. His father is the contractor. She remembered what Daniel had said to her. My father want me back there for a family reunion.

The party of three turned when they heard her gasp, and the man sitting next to Daniel, probably his father, spoke first, See, its already attracting fans. Soon well have the whole country awaiting what youll be doing with this place.

Im no fangirl. Im here to work. And you should respect your son more, Mr. Radd.

You are nothing. Dont dare tell me what to do.

Julia, you dont— Daniel said, but she interrupted him.

Mr. Radd—

He stood up and took her by the arm, dragging her away from them. After they were a while away, and he was sure no one was following them, he released her.

What the hell are you thinking? Daniel asked, Its my battle to fight—

You dont seem to be fighting it, she hissed. All you seem to do is sit there and smile. I didnt get that impression about you on the train, Daniel.

Im he seemed to have no excuse. Goodbye, Miss Roberts.

The thick glassed man spoke as they returned, Arthur, a word, please.

The other man, who was sitting at the opposite end of the table waved his hand dismissively, Im busy with some very important clients, Tomas. Whatever it is that you want can wait.

You said- Tom said in a disbelieving voice. His ears were red.

Forget what I said and get out of my sight, Tomas.

He grimaced at Julia, who had gone to stand next to him again. Daniel was back in his seat. Yes, sir. Of course. He looked extremely embarrassed.

He walked out with Julia right behind him. While they left, she heard Daniel say, I apologize about that, father, it wont happen again.

Mr. RaddΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα