Tilgitt Synd

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My name is Tilgitt Synd. I was twenty-one years old and a college student at IDC University. My parents were filthy rich and got me everything I wanted-they even bought my As from the teachers. I had a well known reputation as,"The Bad Boy". I played every sport the school had to offer. From the sports I received multiple privileges, endless food, invitations to parties, tons of chicks-the list was limitless. I wasn't all that good of a person, but you'd be surprised what being rich and the team leader of every sport out there can get you.
It was my first college party with alcohol and I had been heavily drinking. I stumbled out of the house of blaring music, sex and shooters. My wobbly legs and sore feet attempted to drag my body out to the car. When reaching for the handle of my door, my legs gave out and I fell face first to the ground. I muttered a few curse words and sloppily brushed the dirt from my clothing. I slid into the drivers seat and rubbed my tired eyes. As soon as the car started my vision began fading in and out. My head began spinning and my stomach was killing me. I carelessly pulled out of the driveway and began driving down the highway to my apartment.
I don't remember the speed I went but it was obviously too fast. Every turn I took nearly flipped the car, but I was too agonized to care. The roads were clear and my apartment was ten minutes away. I gave up on fighting the sleepiness taking over. I looked at the time: 11:15 p.m.
As I looked at the time my vision seemed to fade and before I knew it I was sleeping.
I'm not sure what happened while I was asleep, but I was awaken by my body flying through the windshield-everything seemed to be in slow motion. As I was in the air I could see the fragments of glass lodging into my skin. I turned my head-I had missed my turn and had been driving unconsciously for miles. I looked at the car that hit me. There was a lady in the drivers with the look of absolute shock spread across her face. Next to her was a little boy around the age of twelve. He was dressed in a soccer uniform and covered in mud-he must've just finished a game. His eyes were closed and tears were streaming from them. I realized the car was in the middle of a flip.
Time suddenly want back to normal. My body was flung to the ground with the sound of various cracks. All I could do was scream and cry in pain. It felt like every bone in my body had been broken. I couldn't move a single limb.
I caught a glimpse of the car that was responsible for this-it was completely crushed. The two people in the car were dead.
It hurt too much to continue screaming. I gave up on my cry for help and attempted deep breaths. Every rise and fall of my chest was followed by crackling and pain sharper than a knife. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a light.
I thought it would all end soon. As the light grew nearer, I realized there were two lights-the headlights of a truck. I braced myself as the car drew closer without slowing or stopping. The wheels interacting with the gravel of the road was now in earshot. My body was impacted by the truck. The already broken bones in my body were shattered to slivers. I could feel the fragments becoming splinters in my organs.
I took a final deep breath as a serene sensation came over me. All pain ceased and my mind was clear. I closed my eyes and a cool wind blew over me. My eyes then opened to see a stairway of stars leading to the sky. As I began walking up the stars, my life flashed before my eyes. Seven seconds. I was at the top.

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