Crystal looked at Sara before sighing and pushing her hair back, "Look, if I let you out of here, you promise not to hurt Mick unless he really deserves it?"

Amaya nodded and Crystal swiped her hand to the touch pad, letting the doors opened and Amaya came out.

"Sorry for knocking you out." Amaya apologized.

"Sorry for locking you up. Call it even?" Sara extended her hand which Amaya shook as they all nodded at each other before proceeding else where in the ship.

"I thought this was a time machine. You saved the Justice Society. Why can't you save Rex?" Amaya asked as they walked through the engine room while Sara explained what time traveling would consist of if they were to do that.

"Because we're dealing with another time traveler. If we go back and save Rex, the time traveler will just go back before then and kill Rex again, so instead of chasing our own tails, we need to identify who we're up against."

"I don't understand any of this."

"At first we didn't either but look, I just need you to trust us. We're gonna find who do this. I promise you." Crystal assured her, "In the meantime, Gideon will fly you home."

"I'm not going back until Rex's killer is brought to justice." Amaya argued.

"We don't know how long that will take. Don't worry, we're professionals. We know what we're doing." Crystal explained when they heard a weapon blast echo through the rooms. Sara and Crystal jogged to the source of the problem if it was one.

Getting closer, the surge of the power being blasted grew louder and once they were in the armory, they could see what the scenario was and how childish the people where.

"Yeah, come on!" Jax yelled watching Ray direct power directly at Nate, who was converted to steel.

"If Grandpa Heywood could see me now." Nate laughed as the three woman stood overlooking the men who were at child's play.

"Professional?" Amaya asked

"Ish." Crystal chuckled as they continued to watch the men act like children.

"I know you not gonna take that, Ray. Go crush this Tin Man." Ray took a step forward and tried to attack Nate, but to no result since steel was strong enough to not get destroyed.

Nate smiled at Ray's failed attempt, "Nice try."

Crystal stepped forward before they could engage in anymore foul play, "That's enough. Now can we please stop this before someone gets hurt?" She looked at both men who didn't agree or disagree with her.

Ray stepped forward, "Crystal you said I should train Nate, and that's exactly what I'm doing."

"Besides Crystal, when am I going to have a chance to do this?" Nate said charging at both Ray and Crystal, who speeded to the other side. But while Nate hit Ray, the cargo door opened letting in a huge wind that made all of them hold on for dear life to not get sick into the time zone.

"Hold on, I'll close it!" Nate said as he went to reach for a pipe but slipped and disappeared out into the time zone.

"Ray, get inside! We have to close the door." Crystal shouted giving Ray an order as he held onto the cargo door itself.

"No, I got to go after him." Ray shouted back as he let go and flew away in his Atom suit.

"Gideon, shut the cargo door."


Sara and Crystal hurried to the command center, while Sara took her normal seat and Crystal the Captain's.

"What's happening to the ship?" Martin asked already secured, as the sirens kept going off.

"Jax, what's our status?" Crystal asked through the panel, seeing through if she could see small sparks flying. With the ship still rumbling as Crystal tried to level it out in anyway she could.

"I've rerouted power from the secondary manifolds." Jax informed her.

"Where are Dr. Palmer and Dr. Heywood?" Martin asked

"Did you check out the window?" Crystal sarcastically replied with Martin not getting her response.


"How is it you people haven't managed to kill yourselves yet?" Amaya asked in surprise that they've lasted this long, and Crystal could ask herself the same question.

"The day is still young." Mick said

"Jax?" Crystal spoke through the panel

"Yeah, I'm working on it." Jax replied as the ship started to level out and the blaring stopped shouting in their ears.

Crystal exhaled before speaking again, "Gideon, I need you to track down Ray and Nate and take us to their position."

"The explosive decompression caused us to lose corrective altitude, which put too much strain on the station-keeping thrusters." Gideon logically put it with Mick responding to her complicated language.

"For God's sake, say it how it is. We're screwed."

"We're screwed." Gideon said, making Crystal lean back in her chair as she tried to come up with a way to find her friends.

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