I forgot to post this on October 11th

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hey guys on October 11th I made a really long post on Instagram about my coming out story I forgot to post it on here so here it is

So Umm national coming out day I came out to my mom about four years ago and I'm pansexual and gender fluid I was so afraid of coming out because inwas afraid of judgement umm the way my dad figured out was because he came to pick me up on a day he wasn't supposed to and saw me making out with my girlfriend at the time for me coming out wasn't about the fact I liked girls and boys or even that I wanted to dress like a boy it was about the fact that I want to be a boy even to this day I haven't fully come out I'm scared of judgement so I hide it but I'm getting better about talking about it and my peepz are supportive umm my family isnt always the most supportive my mom is so so supportive of me thou but I have to talk to her about why and when I started having those feelings and she usually is good about understanding my grandparents who meant the world to me were so strictly stuck in religion that I was afraid of them knowing I've known my whole life I wasn't straight I know who I am and I don't wanna loose that and I'm finally starting to become comfortable in my own skin again so yea that's my long ass post about national coming out day

my journey through my sexualityWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt