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“Cheer up dude, don’t lose it just for A girl”

I can still hear Deans words as I was left all alone in front of Mr.Bings Diner, am I really that stupid? That my girlfriend my first girlfriend would leave me just because she met a new guy, “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid” I was telling myself over and over again, I wanted to hit my head into the wall to make me forget what just happened this night. Leah took my heart from my chest and just ripped it apart in front of me, in front of my friends in front of his new boyfriend. I felt so stupid, I even blamed Sam, then everything went on rewind I saw Sam crying, she was crying for me because I blamed her I shouted at her then I also pushed Dean to the ground I also shouted at him, I was angry, angry to myself because of what I have done to my friends my best friends. I decided not to call my dad to pick me up I rode the bus, I did not care if my dad would be mad at me because I took the bus home, I just don’t care about anything at this moment. As I rode the bus I was still thinking about what happened, should I call Sam and Dean to apologize because I shouted at them? Should I call Leah and ask her or even beg her to come back to me? This entire question made my head and heart hurt like crazy. I really love Leah and if she would come back to me I would still accept her, it might sound stupid but that’s the truth that’s how much I love her. Dean and Sam always warned me that Leah was just playing with me but I did not believe them I knew Leah loved me too, I would always defend her from Sam and Dean I would always say “Give her a chance guys you’ll see she’s not that bad” but I guess they were right Leah just played with me I was just her boy toy because when we would go out her friends would make fun of me and she won’t mind and even laugh along with them. But still I accepted that I just don’t listen to her friends I always told myself that “it’s just how a cheerleader is”.

The bus stop was near so I went down and decided to take a walk for a while, then a car pulled up to my side it was my dad.

“And where have you been?” he opened the passengers door to let me in.

“I just went for a walk dad I rode the bus home”

“What did I tell you about riding the bus? It’s dangerous; you should have called me I’d pick you up” he said it in a not so angry voice.

“Dad I’m 18 now I can drive my own car, don’t you know guys tease me at school because you still pick me up.” I was hoping he would get my point.

“I know you 18 don’t rub it on my face that you’re old already, and who’s teasing you? Report them to the principal.”

“And create more reason so that they would make fun of me even more, no thanks” I gave a small laugh but not because I was happy but because I was irritated.

“Don’t worry your time will come to drive your car.”

“I just hope when that time comes I’m not 25 or 30 something.” I stated it as a joke but my dad did not laugh.

We pulled up in the Garage door and went inside through the back door entering the Kitchen. Mom wasn’t still there because she’s attending culinary school at night and manages the café during the morning. We own a Café downtown because my mother loves to cook and my dad allows her to spend all day at the business to keep an eye on the waiters and souse chef. My dad is a CEO at a big agency here at our town. I seldom see them both at the same time because they are always busy with something but they provide me with everything. Mildred already prepared dinner for me and my father because mom would be home late and she would be full by that time because she would eat whatever she cooks at the culinary school. I went upstairs to change for dinner and when I went downstairs my dad was already eating ahead of me. Me and my family seldom eat together but when we do we always talk about what happens at work and at my school.

“How’s school Caleb?” my dad asked while he sipped red wine.

“It’s okay, same thing as usual, And how about your work?”

“My new secretary is killing me, she doesn’t know anything about being a secretary, maybe ill fire her tomorrow.”

“Poor girl” my dad has a high standard for people who work for him, so I pity all those who work under him that’s why I would never work for him.

“Why pity her? She deserves to be fired she’s not qualified” everyone for him is not qualified, even me.

“Just give her another chance maybe she’s still learning” I was trying to change his mind about firing the girl.

“Caleb if people are always given second chances they would just take everything for granted because they know they would be given a second chance to do things all over again, they would never learn”

“Everyone deserves a second chance” I thought to myself.

This is what happens when you work for my father, no second chances, and no mistakes everything must be perfect. I went upstairs and took a long shower. When I went out I turned on my IPod and attached it to a speaker. I listened to music before I go to sleep to calm my mind. Then suddenly the love songs came on playing and Leah appeared on my mind, I remembered how we first went out together I set up this romantic dinner for two at the beach, she appreciated it she smiled and we ate, we walked I held her hand and for the first time we kissed. I imagined us being together that I would marry her that I could change her but I guess I was wrong. I gave her my heart but she didn’t want it and worse she crushed it. I should have listened to Dean when he told me that while Leah and I were dating, Leah was also seeing Josh the MVP player at our school but when I confronted her she just denied it and told me that “they just want me to look bad so that you would break up with me, do you really think I would cheat on you?” and I fell for that reason, I believed her now I know it wasn’t just a rumor it’s the real thing. I made myself believe that she was the perfect girl for me and that everything would be perfect and would last long, well I’m wrong.

 The thought of Leah faded away and another girl entered my mind, Sam. she was there, I shouted at her, I made her cry, and that thought made me feel worse. Sam has always been there, she’s my best friend, my sister my family. She would always defend me back then because other people would tease a daddies boy she would always comfort me when I cry because my toys would break. And she would invite me and Dean at their house and treat us as family. Her family is great, her mom is a great cook even if Mrs. Jones did not go to culinary school and her dad is so cool you can talk to him about anything unlike my dad Mr. Jones is not a perfectionist he gives people second chances if they make mistakes he would always say “People deserve second chances to give them hope and make sure not to make the same mistake again”, A total opposite attitude of my father. For me, Sam’s family is perfect how I wish my family would be like that; I’d give up everything just to have a home not just a house. 

“I was a big jerk this day” I told myself.

I lay on the bed sunk my head on my pillow and thought what would I say to Dean and Sam tomorrow, I surely wanted to apologize. I’m not willing to lose my friends for just a girl that I’m certain about.  

Closed my eyes and prayed that God would give me the guts to face my Friends tomorrow.

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