Part 1 : The start of it all.

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9 years ago

"Hey fire, get your little fiery keaster down here to these gates before I , AIIIIIIIIEEEEE!"

"You don't tell me what to do, warden. I do work on my OWN time." Fire said. He knew he hated it down here. He was still working on a plan to escape. He was in the detention cell for killing over 7 wardens.

"Come on," the undertaker said. "Lets go see your soon to be dead child."

Meanwhile, on Earth, Fire's child, Spark, was going to a lonely orphanage to get Fire's son, Jonathan. It was completely dark. He couldn't see anything. The only thing he could see was the lights of the orphanage where his son lived. He had to make it, he had to. He knew the darkness was coming, he just had to make it. "Couple more steps, couple more steps,"he would tell himself. Ka-thunk. He heard it before it hit him. He looked down and saw it. The bronze tip coming right out of his left muscle. Ka-thunk, Ka-thunk. Two more hit his legs. They were upon him and he knew it. He was so close to telling him, so close. Ka-thunk, Ka-thunk, Ka-thunk. Three more came out of his chest. He was dying, but he was right at the doorstep. But he couldn't pass. He turned and saw him. Darkness. Holding a gun at his face.

"Well, Sparky. Looks like your son will never learn the powers within him or learn of the prophecy."

"You sonufabitch."

"Cussing wont get you now where, now will it? Now tell me, where is it?"

"Fuck you."

"Wrong answer." BANG


Now. Literally, right now.

The council of the 5, no 4, is gathering in the heavens. Fire, appeared in a fiery hologram. Earth, Water, and Air were their> They were discussing a plan to get Fire out of their, being a sin, but he was their best friend and a important part to the world. They knew of his son. Lighting, but not of the mother.

"We should do a full on assault on the gates, destroy everything, and get fire out of that cell," Earth suggested.

"We should go undercover, unseen, like... ninja's," Air suggested.

"No, we should just wait until fire breaks himself out," Water sugessted. Were all arguing. Unforgettably, Darkness created a border (only one time call every four weeks) so he couldn't hear them, but they could hear him. Fire looked at Air, she looked back. He knew the truth. He mated with Air, but he did't know Air had a child. Lightning.

The 5 Elements of God: Book 1: LightningWhere stories live. Discover now