//<Chapter 1>//

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Lorraine's POV
Have you ever wondered what hell looks like , I've been their and trust me it's everything you Imagine and more ,Wet, cold, dark it's a scary place that will continue to haunt me for the rest of my life
                   Ed's POV
How did we meet? Well it's funny actually we met back when I was in senior year she was sitting on the table at lunch and I had a crush on her for a while but I was a stubborn guy and didn't wanna seem soft so I waited all year until prom came around and I really wanted her as my date so I brought 10 dollars worth of flowers and I walked over to the exact same spot I saw her at a year ago
I sat on the end holding these flowers and I looked at her
She laughed she put down her  sandwich and said
"That's a lot of flowers"
I looked at her and I felt complete I knew I wanted to be with her for a long time if not forever
I asked her to be my prom date

             Lorraine's POV
And I said yes , after prom we became the best of freinds we did everything together and he was the light of my day , I began to feel these emotions unfold that I had never felt for anyone
I was confused
But I knew they where right , the feelings I had , they where more than just feelings , they where destiny
                    Ed's POV
Lorraine was always alone, and she didn't have much friends , I could never understand why until I began dating her , she would suddenly wake up screaming at 3.30am and would stair at things, she was always afraid of shadows , and the darkness .......the darkness scared her more than anything,
             Lorraine's POV
Ed was completely different to me he had lots of friends and well he wasn't afraid of anything, the one thing he was afraid was me.....not me myself but my actions, the way I would stair at walls , the way I would cry myself to sleep...the way I was afraid of everyone and everything it just startled him , but we had a lot more in common then I thought
                  Ed's POV
It was around December time and me and Lorraine had been together for about 2 years I still didn't know everything , I mean she wouldn't tell me everything until one night in December , we went on holiday for are anniversary and she saw something , it left her screaming and crying for hours , she told me
"It wants to kill me" "it wants to kill me" she kept repeating it and repeating it and I didn't know what to do , she finally drifted off to sleep and the next morning she was like a complete different person and it scared me
             Lorraine's POV
I wanted to tell him ....I mean I needed to tell him after the incident I just felt like he deserved an explanation so I sat him down and I told him, I said " I see dead people" he just starred at me , he didn't laugh , he didn't run , he just held onto my hand and he listened
                    Ed's POV
She explained to me how she could see evil , she could see the good , yet she could see the bad I believed her , I knew the devil existed and I knew there was evil beyond the walls of the world, I pulled out my cross necklace and I grabbed her hand and I told her
              Lorraine's POV
"I believe you and I believe in you" those words meant more to me then anything in the world, through my whole entire life no one believed me no one wanted to because they where afraid of the truth ....he wasn't he wanted to help me ....he wanted to help others ....and that's what we did
                    Ed's POV
We got married about a year later, I said "I do" and she said "till death do us part" we took what we saw , researched it and began to help others without each other we where just "Ed and Lorraine" but together we where an army fighting against the world, we named the cases the "warren files" and Lorraine felt like she had it all under control
             Lorraine's POV
After starting these cases I learnt to control my self ...I had a choice when to enter hell and to enter others dreams ....I had a choice when to use my gift ....it felt great I felt ....free
I later found out that there was a name for my gift I was clairvoyant its when you see things before it happens ....like I said it was gift and a curse ...you see good things you see bad things ....I could also leave my body and travel around in my sleep I could look back and see my empty body it was magical some how .... but I saw evil I met evil I shuck its hand , the scariest thing I could do was communicate to Damons I could talk to them....I could hear them ...I could feel them
Hear no evil ...see no evil.....speak no evil
*Hey guys I hope you like the new chapter of my first warrens fan fic !!! This isn't based on there true love story so please keep that in mind THANK YOU ❤*

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