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Heina was a nuisance, to say the least.

"Where are we going, anyways?" She asked. They were walking along the edge of the forest, Moon checking for swamp trees, the swamp entrance- any sort of indicator that they were going in the right direction.

"I told you. The swamp." Moon's voice was dull, her focus entirely on finding a seemingly nonexistent swamp.

"But- where? Why?"

"So I can practice my magic."

"Why the swamp? Is there, um, a person there you have to meet or something?"

Moon stopped for a second. "Yeah, actually," she said, "Toffee. Childhood friend."

Heina blinked, confused. "Who.." Then her expression lightened. "Oh! I remember him!"

The conversation stopped. Heina had decided to tightrope across the cobblestone barrier that separated the road from the forest, sticking her arms out for balance.

As for Moon, she was focused on the forest. She looked for any sort of sign they were near the swamp. What exactly was she looking for? What did a swamp even look like? She didn't know, but she had to find her friend.

"Are we there yet?" Heina asked.

Moon sighed. "No."




"If we were there, you would be able to tell, Heina."

They managed to stay silent for a few more steps before Heina had the urge to speak again. "I think we're here."

"What?" Moon asked. Heina had stopped walking, hand pointed at a sign. "No Name Swamp," she read aloud. The sign pointed to another road to their right: a more dangerous and rural path.

"Hey! It actually exists!" Heina exclaimed.

"Well, no duh," Moon said. "Come on."

The two headed down the path. Trees blocked out the sky and sun. It was wet, sticky, and uncomfortable. The path seemed to get more and more narrow and muddy as they went along.

"We've been walking for hours..." Heina complained.

"Well, no," Moon replied, "close to forty-five minutes, actually. But only fifteen or so in this swamp."

"Oh, woe is me," Heina said dramatically, the back of her hand on her forehead, "destined to walk the swamp forever. An infinite cycle of going forward and making no progress-"


"We are lost in life, no place to go, but to search the swamps for someone from our past-"


"Will we ever end this cycle? Fulfill our destiny? What is our destiny? What's the meaning of life?"


Heina burst into laughter. "I'm just joking, M." Moon was completely pokerfaced. "I'm bored. I get all dramatic when I'm bored."

Moon vs The Forces of Chaos [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now