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Tyler was beginning to live in fear. The once sweet and wonderful Josh he had fallen head over heels for had changed. Truthfully he had loved him but then he starting dating Debby. Tyler thought they might actually have a chance and this threw him off into a deep depression. About six months later he met Jenna. She had become his only escape. It's not to say that Tyler only used her as an escape but he actually loved her. Maybe not as much as he had loved Josh but it's over now.
        A couple months after everything had calmed Jenna received a phone call. One of her family members was sick so she had to go back home. This left Tyler alone at the house with his thoughts.             
         Tyler was alone at the house for days upon end and the only thing he could think to do was sleep. Tyler slept for a full day only waking up to use the restroom. Once he finally woke up he didn't feel so alone. Maybe he should go to the store, it's been awhile since he'd done that. He got himself dressed and ready, skipping the shower and grabbed a quick snack. Just as he was about to leave he heard a floorboard creak behind him. Next thing Tyler knew he was turned around and a cloth was covering his nose and mouth, then everything went dark.
         Tyler awoke vigorously moving, shaking the chair he was tied to. He tried to let out a scream, but his mouth was covered and he couldn't. He sat there shaking and flapping his body parts trying to get out of the ropes while screaming before he finally gave up. He sat in the maroon velvety feeling chair limply for hours only thinking what was happening. After 15 minutes more of struggling he fell asleep.
      Tyler woke up for the second time in the Crimson chair when he was awoken by the sound of nails being dragged across the wall. As the once appeared closer and closer Tyler knew this wasn't nails this was a knife. He prayed this was all a prank from jenna but then he heard a familiar voice. It was Josh.
       Truthfully Josh always had a bad temper. Whenever he got angry he'd go off on anyone. If someone got the worst of him they'd probably end up with s bruise. The worst we had ever seen was one "fan" who asked Josh some personal questions while mocking him. No one on the tour heard of her for the rest of the night and Josh seemed to be in a more sinister mood than usual. Believe whatever tabloid you want, "polite drummer, Josh dun, discusses issues with 'fan' and everything works out," or what about "twenty øne pilots 'fan' runs away crying from drummer Josh Dun." Either way everyone on the crew knew exactly what happened. Josh got new drums all the time. This wasn't just for looks or the old ones were 'worn out' it's because if Josh got mad he'd hit the drum so hard it would break. That "fan" just happened to be the unlucky drum.
       So does this mean that now I'm the unlucky fan? Is Josh really going to kill me? Is he part of the prank? Is he going to pop out and be his old self? Or his new self? Tyler knew Josh was sinister, but he had no idea what he was capable of.
        Josh slid the blood coveted drumstick down the back of the chair where Tyler was sitting. He looked at his former best friend/ love interest. He came up with the most brilliant lyrics and was an overall amazing person. But then came Jenna. Jenna ruined it all. Now that she was gone Josh would teach Tyler a lesson.
        Josh jumped over from the back of the couch to the front. He stared Tyler right in the eyes. He stroked Tyler's somehow smooth hair when he obviously hadn't showered in days. He pulled the shiny knife out of his pocket and slowly chopped off a lock of Tyler's hair. He screamed even though it was no use. Josh didn't approve of his actions so he dragged the tip of his knife along Tyler's cheekbone. The blood trickled down his slightly pale but rosy cheek dripping down to his light pink lips.
       "Now you'll feel the pain I felt after you met Jenna." As the word Jenna rolled off Josh's tongue Tyler could feel the cold air rushing against his torso. When he looked down he realized that his shirt was ripped off of him in the shreds in the near corner of the room. Then there was a cold sharp object being lightly pressed on his rib cage. Immediately he knew that it was the knife and it seemed to have frozen in his hand.
     Little did Tyler know Josh's blood ran cold while staring at the pretty boy. He had met Debby and loved her but he knew that he loved Tyler more, so he politely told Debby the way he felt and they had a conversation close to heart sitting there for hours at a time letting everything pouring out. It was obvious she was sad, but I think she was more proud of me finally getting what I wanted. Debby felt more like a sister to him all along, Tyler was the one he wanted.
    "What do you want from me, Josh?" Tyler managed to gasp out. Josh pushed the flat part of the knife on Tyler's lips that he was holding back destroying. This shushed Tyler knowing that he could lose some more blood if Josh turned the knife to the sharp part. Josh delicately placed his hand above flyers right breast without removing the knife from his my mouth bringing their faces close together. Josh slowly removed the knife but bringing his face closer to Tyler's at the same speed. As soon as the knife was completely gone Josh threw to the corner of the room landing near the shirt he'd thrown earlier. He brought himself close enough to Tyler to brush his lips across his own. He leaned in a bit more and passionately started kissing Tyler's light pink lips. It was the best experience of his life. He'd been waiting years to finally do this. Then suddenly he felt guilty. He pulled away apologizing with the smallest voice available. "I... I'm sorry,"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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