Chapter 1: Prolouge

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In the beginning of the creation of our universe, there was a planet...we will name it Ultimania. In the ancient language that means "Pinpoint of the finality". The world evolved very similar to Earth, and eventually, humans came into the world. And with humans, there is greed, and greedy they were. They split into factions depending on their beliefs on how the world should be. There was the purity, the corruption, and the faction of evil. The purity believed that the world should be run by the gods and let their holy judgement lead them. The corruption was a group of people that hated the gods' decisions and wanted the world to be run by mortals and will do anything to make that happen. The Faction of Evil, however, they wanted nothing but to see the world burn and all of their inhabitants, these "people" consisted of vampires and demons for the most part, but there was one.

The humans hatred for blasphemy against their own beliefs, they waged war on one another for 4,000 years. This war was called "The Original War", because this was the first war ever fought in the universe (The war was only between the corruption and the Purity). The only reason this horrible war had stopped, was because the gods had interfered and cut the world into 3. Now the world orbits itself and its sun in 3 pieces. 700 years of peace later, the past ruler of the FoE has died and a new leader had to be chosen, and the one who was chosen was...him... a vampire who's name will eventually be feared across the land, he will be seen as a dictator who brought the entire planet and gods to their knees, trembling in terror. And his name was Kane. Kane believed that the world had originally belonged to chaos destruction, and evil, and he persuaded his people to believe that as well. The FoE was unruly for a while when their first leader had died and had a split in their tribes,but was later rebuilt bigger and stronger thanks to Kane. He made a new law that demons and vampires were now lawfully able to marry and reproduce, it was originally banned throughout the land. One year later, and the first generation of what made Kane the most feared thing in the world was born. These...monsters is good of a word for what they are. These...servants of Satan himself...were born and they reeked hell on the land. These beings had gone around the entire world and caused the humans to almost go extinct. These hell hounds were the perfect beings of destruction, immense power, untouchable speed, endless stamina, and the ability of flight. And they were known as the "vampiric demons". They have this name because of their origins and roots, they are the babies of demons and vampires, and because the weaknesses of vampires and demons counteract each other, only reason I'm able to tell you this is because of the School for Adepts and Sorcerers were in hiding, figuring out how to stop this situation,and what they did was a miracle. Their is a level, a level beyond the gods, these beings with unlimited power, had answered humans in their time of need. The vampire dictator, Kane, was summoned with his army before the 12 "Paladins" of the finality, there was:Life,Death,Love,Hate,Creation,Destruction,Lust,Loyalty,Equality,Finality,Pride, and Judgement. Kane and his army charged at the Paladins with bravado and cockiness, and with a flick of Judgement's hilt, they were gone...Until now...I'm...I'm sorry...M-My vision is hazy from here, you must now go to the present and watch this from the Saviors' Trio's point of view. From their beginning. You will meet "The Sword" now, the others'...are unknown to the world currently.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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