You Really Got Me.

Start from the beginning

"What's up guys?"

No one really answers, just grunts their greetings, but Steven hands him the bottle. Izzy looks around, then has a big gulp, before stealing some fries from Slash, chewing noisily. "Where we going tonight?"

"You can stay and keep on drinking, no one will notice", Marc offers, giving Slash an almost pleading look.

"You just don't wanna hang here all on your own."


"Come with us, dude!"

"Nope. Gotta help out in the kitchen later."

"Oh c'mon, man, you always have to."

"Yes I know."

"You're a boring bastard."

"Don't forget who organized you chili fries for free!"

"The only thing you're good for."

"Fuck you!", Marc laughs, then tries to grab for the plate, but Slash quickly grabs for the rests, getting it all into his mouth in one go, spitting little pieces of saliva stained fries onto the table as he laughs as well, almost choking on it.

"Eew, Slash!"

Steven pats his back, chuckling, until he manages to swallow it eventually, joining into Stevens stupid giggles.

"Can you organize something for me as well?", Steven asks then, beaming with joy, making Marc shrug his shoulders.

"Dunno. C'mon lets see if they are some rests. You eat anything anyway."

"Yes! I do!"

And they both disappear behind the counter. Slash looks at Izzy fumbling with his coat.

"Eh Izz, can't we just go to your place again? It's saturday. Damn fuckin' full everywhere."

Izzy has another sip of vodka, shaking some greasy strands of black hair from his eyes.

"Nah....really not today, man."

"Why not?"

"Uh...Axl's not in the mood for us idiots I guess."

"What has it to do with Axl?"

"He's home, watching TV."

"At your place?"


"Thought he's a Judy's."

"Why should- uh ok. Ok. No, he's not."

Slash looks at him warily. "Did ya' say 'why should he'? I mean, he lives there right?"

Izzy looks away, scratching his neck, then his nose. "Uhm...kinda..."

"What kinda?"

"Look, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell ya'...he kinda lives at my place at the moment."

"He does?"

An unpleasant hint of jealousy hits Slash hard, but vanishes into curiosity soon.


"Why not at Judy's?"


"What, Izzy? Don't act like I'm four years old."

"Actually he broke off with her."

Slash stares.

Simply, blankly stares.


"What?! When?!"

"Dunno...a few days. The night we got wasted at my place with Anthony. At least that day he brought his stuff."

Slash still stares, open mouthed, looking into empty air. "Why...why aren't you supposed to tell me?"

"I dunno if I am. It's just that when he didn't tell you there must be a reason."

"That motherfucker..."


"That asshole didn't tell me!"


"He...fuck...he didn't tell me, Izzy!"

"Calm down, Slash, damn. What's the matter with you?"


"It's not because of that weird trip on acid, is it?"


"You, Me, Axl, Judy. We took acid and you totally freaked out on it, remember?"

Slash is too stunned to actually listen to him. "What?"

"You can't have forgotten it, dude...", he leans in, quietening his voice, " two fuckin' made out. I found you making out and you cried your eyes out afterwards."

"You're not getting it."

"Getting what?"

Slash can't decide if he should be angry or happy, but he's shifting nervously, being sure that he won't be able to stay here tonight, so he quickly makes a decision, jumping to his feet.

"Heh! Slash! Where ya' going?!"

No answer.

"Eh! Damn! Whatever it is, it's not a good idea!"

But he's already outside, running down the crowded street.

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