They both made some mistakes but they loved us as best they could. We struggled we didn't have a lot of thing like most kids but we had each other." I looked 

Over at Mya, she was playing with her necklace it was something that she did when she was nervous. I held her hand to calm her nerves. I knew she hated 

Talking about our past but it is what we lived through that made us stronger.  

When I was Fifth teen and Mya had just turned fourteen Mya's mom Janis overdosed and died and my mom Kim went to jail for robbery. So the state took Mya and my 

Uncle Mark took me in. She was placed in foster care and that family took her and moved away for over a year."

I hated to talk about loosing Mya it was the toughest year of my life. I did everything i wasn't supposed to do. I started drinking and smoking weed. Hung out 

With the wrong crowd and started stealing from people. My uncle use to yell and ask me why i was acting out and i would say i don't know. But i knew why, 

Shit I would be laying if I said that I didn’t miss My-Mya because I did. 

"So when did you two find each other?" 

"High School in the main office." Mya Smiled thinking about that day. "I started a week after everybody else so when i arrived i was lost so the lady at the 

Front office called a student helper to show me around and in walked Eli with his foot ball jacket on. I swear we hugged in that office for almost thirty 

Minutes and the lady kept clearing her throat for us to get to class." We both started laughing. "I really missed him." My looked at me with tears in her 


"I missed you to." I wiped a tear away and kissed her hand.

"Can we please take a break?" Mya asked getting up from her chair and walked away i got up and followed her down the hall.  

"Hey Mya you okay?" I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her. 

Turning around she buried her head in my chest and started to cry. "I hate talking about her Elijah because i miss her." She was talking about her mom and i 

Understood how she felt; only difference was my mom was still alive. 

"I know you do baby, i miss her too. My she would be so proud of the woman you've become."  I held her tighter not wanting to let go. 

"Thank you Eli, i needed my best friend now." She said and my heart relived last night all over again. I definitely got to get out of this friends zone.


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