xChapter 2x The Black Order

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Faellon walked through a town with giant gashes and her blood sliding down her back. "Excuse me, miss. Are you okay?" A kind young man with white hair asked. He had a red star under his cheek. Faellon shook her head. "Come with me, I'll get you to a doctor." Faellon shook her head again. "Don't....my wounds will heal. I'd...I'd rather not see a 'doctor'." A doctor would remind her too much of Ezekeiel.

"Ah. Alright. I'll escort you home." The young man smiled and held out his hand. Faellon shook her head. "I can't go back home. I was.....told not to." The young man's eyes widened. "So..So you don't have anywhere to live?" Faellon nodded this time.

"Well now you do. I promise I'll take you to a safe place." Faellon's eyes widened as she gave a small smile, for the first time in days. Until she noticed the young man's jacket. "T-The Black Order?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, that's the place I was talking about."

"I-I don't think I'd be accepted there....not after what happened...." Faellon looked away. The young man smiled.

"Well you won't know until we get there, now will we?" Faellon blinked. Who was is person? She thought. "I'm Allen Walker by the way. And you are?"

"F......Faellon. My name is Faellon." Faellon answered. Allen Walker...the Destroyer? He seems nice, so why does he have a nickname like that? Faellon asked herself.


"And your name?" Komui Lee, one of the executive officers of the Black Order, pushes his glasses up on the bridge of my nose.


"Last name?" Komui peered at her.

"None." Komui blinked. No last name? Could she be the one.... Komui sighed. "Allen, go get Kanda." Allen nodded and left the room, shortly coming back with a boy with long dark hair and a Japanese sword. "What do you want Komui?" He huffed.

"Say hello to your new roommate Faellon." Komui stood up and gestured towards said girl. The two new 'friends' looked at each other and locked eyes. Faellon's angel senses kicked in and instantly she knew he was a troubled soul with a worriesome past. Kanda stared into the eyes of the angel he saw infront of him, though he was unaware that she was an actual angel. He snapped his head away, so no one would see the light blush scrawling across his face. "Tch. Why do I have to be the one to put up with her?"

"Because I said so." Komui replied, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. He lifted Faellon up and escort both her and the tsundere, sword-wielding exorcist out of the door. Faellon turned left and started to walk away when Kanda grabbed her wrist. "Wrong way, baka." Faellon said nothing and followed the mild-tempered swordsman to their room.

"Is it alright if I change?" Faellon asked quietly when they entered the bedroom. Kanda grunted, and she took that as a yes. Faellon pulled off her dress and headed to the closet. She was absolutely dreading the fact that she had to share a room with a male companion.

Kanda had turned slighty to get something out of his nightstand, when he saw the scars on Faellon's back. "What are those?" He asked, trying to keep the anger he got from looking at the scars hidden. Faellon ignored him and started to pull on a nightshirt, not wanting to talk about her past. Not wanting to get kicked out of one of God's safe havens just because she fell from his grace like her 'brother' Lucifer. "Hey, I asked you a question!" Kanda said, this time more firmly and loud.

"And I ignored it because I'd really like to not talk about it. Unless you don't understand that term." Faellon snapped.

"Who did that to you?!" Kanda growled, not at her, but whoever gave her those scars.

"....God." Faellon whispered, looking at the floor sorrowly.

"Don't blame God for something that happened to you, Faellon!" Kanda yelled.

"I don't blame God! I blame his decisions! I fell from his grace, Kanda! Just like Lucifer did 200 millenia ago! I don't know what I did wrong, all I know is that once an angel's wings are ripped from them, they can never, ever get them back. No matter what, I can't my wings back. Because I did something wrong that made God hate me. Those scars are a result of me falling from his grace, Kanda." Faellon fell to her knees, holding her arms close to her. "So please....just drop it."

Kanda knelt next to Faellon, his eyes still a little wide from what she said. Then he did something he thought he'd mever do to anyone in his life, ever again. Kanda wrapped his arms around Faellon and laid his head on her shoulder. "....Alright. It won't come up again, I promise." He murmured in her ear.

"T...Thank you...Kanda." Faellon bit back the tears in her eyes as she laid her head down on his shoulder. "....Thank you."

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