I sigh and set my book down and look up to Louis who is still tapping me.

“Yes Louis”

He looked at. “Why are you reading?” he looks down at my book and I see it facing down and I look back up at him.

“Because I want to. Problem?” I say with a raised eyebrow

“No its just I thought you would want to talk to me instead of just sitting here and read. We already do that in class. Why read more?”

Of course. Regular people hate to read for some odd reason. All they want to do is socialize and not get lost in a magical world or anything. I shake my head at him and go to grab my book but he grabs it and sets it on his lap.

“Talk to me” he says

I huff “Why do I need to talk to you?”

“Because I’m Louis Tomlinson and I want you to” he says

I give him a disbelief look.

“I don’t need to talk to you. It’s a free country. And plus I don’t feel like talking, I want to read. So give it here”

I have my hand in the air but he just looks at me but doesn’t move to give me my book.

“I just want to have a convo harry can’t we do that. Or am I not Ed sheeren.”

My face turns red and I start to stand up. I can’t believe he would say that. He is my friend but Ed I have known forever, we have a bond like brothers. I think he registers what he just said because his face turns bright red. He is about to open his mouth and say something but I have my bag over my shoulder and walking away.

“Wait harry!” he says

I ignore him and keep walking towards my next class. He catches up to me but I ignore him.

“Look harry I’m sorry okay. That was wrong of me to say that. It’s just. When I’m sitting at a table with people they usually talk to me instead of reading a book.”

I scoff “So the world revolves around you Louis”

He makes a noise. I don’t bother looking at him. I open the door to the C building and start up the stairs to upper C. I hear his footsteps following me but I don’t stop.

The hall is empty and the doors are closed. The white floors and yellow wooden doors make it seem like a jail.

“Harry please just except my apology.”

I don’t answer him and keep walking till I see C202. I was about to open it when Louis side stepped in front of me.

I glare down at him and I see him gulp. He gives me a pleading look and stares me in the eye.

His eyes. I could never get over them. Everywhere I look I expect to see blue eyes there. In my dreams I see him blue eyes, in the halls, and when I’m talking to people I seem to compare them to his. I shake my head of these thoughts and focus.

“I’ll even make it up to you if you want. Just please. Forget about what I said. I know I was being a prick and I’m sorry.” He looked at me with those sad blue eyes pleading.

“Fine” I finally say

He smiles wide showing all his teeth. He smiles so wide you could see the edges of his eye crinkling. That’s cute. Wait WHAT?

“Cool. So what now?”

The bell rang throughout the school, and that was my queue to go in class now.

The Two Of Us (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now