Midnight Thunder

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I cant sleep... so heres a chapter- Midnight

It was a dark, cliché and stormy night. Tom, a domestic gray shorthaired cat, lay on his bed, curled up under his blanket.

He hated his familys lack of courage during these times. He was the most brave of his family, sure, but that still didnt mean much against storms, his most vulnerable weakness. He hated lightning and thunder almost as much as he hated ghost stories, except he still like ghost stories even if they scared him.

Toms pov

I try to close my eyes and focus on the fire... not... that... demonic presence outside.

I would love something else to focus on, anything to keep me company. I had a teddy bear when I was younger, I would bet you Butch took it or something. My owners get mad if I wake them up at night, and if I go on their bed... I guess that leaves Jerry.

And there is no way in hell I am going to that mouse for companionship! I much rather face the storm al-

Nope nope nope nope all aboard the nope train nope nope nope double nope tripple nope nope nope nope.

I-I still wont go to him! He just... Hes just better then the storm and thats not saying much...

I think one of the only times I went out in a storm was for him. I had kicked him and a puppy out and then the storm had started. I felt... a tugging emotion, like I had to save them. So I wandered out with an umbrella and, with a gust of wind and lightning, I was blown into a dangerous river and they, the puppy and Jerry, saved me.

That didnt cause my fear of storms, but it did help me associate its sounds with torture.

Goddamit, Why do I have to be such a coward, I cant even get out of this blanket.

Wh-whats that? Is that a thunder god?! An intruder?!

A shadow makes its way to a small, small opening by my feet in my cave. I knew the smell and figure once he entered... whats Jerry doing here?

He had came in, from his mouse hole I think, away from his cozy safe house... to...


This Mouse has too much courage. Way too much. He leans into my chest and snuggles up in the fetal position, gently nuzzling into my fur.

I would have kicked him out of bed right then and there but...

A flash of light illuminated the room quickly, and a rumble proceded it, like a dragon circling me like prey. The lights that I had left on in the house turned off all at once, and I heard the heaters switch off. The fire being the only light and heat left, and It was almost out of wood. I coudnt see it but I could hear the fire crying out in hunger.

I felt him flinch at the thunder and power outage, only slightly though as he immediately went back to burying himself in my fur.

The rain started beating harder on the roof and I saw the light of the fire dim even more before I just accepted my fate and awaited its arrival. I nuzzled my head against Jerry and pulled my tail tighter around us as I curled up under the blanket. Until the point I fell asleep, everytime I heard thunder and saw a flash, Me and Jerry would flinch, but then hed cuddle against me in assurance, and I would return the favor.

Jerry pov (begining of toms pov time)

He had left the kitchen lights on, The living room lights on, and a few random lamps and such here and there. He had been listening to the radio, but once the storm made all the televison and radio static only he turned it off. He had heaters and a fire  and hid under a blanket...

He is afraid again.

Tom was hiding under the blankets, fidgeting around, his ears flicking everywhere as thunder rumbled outside.

One of us will regret it in the morning, but I think...  i think he just needs comfort. A little teddy bear -er mouse hug.

I crawl out of my hole and head over to my cat, circling him till I see a small opening. His eyes follow my every move and he put up a surprisingly small amount of effort to usher me away like he usually does... he really is scared.

I would love to tease him any other time, but Im too tired... speaking of which, I should get up now and head to-

A bright bolt of light makes me flinch and sink deeper into Toms fur as all the light goes away. Without hearing the heaters or seeing the lights from under the thin blanket, I guess the power went out... no point in going back to my mouse hole now.

I nuzzle into his chest fur, and feel him curl up on me and nuzzle me back. His breathe stopped short every bolt or rumble he heard, and I feared he would be awake for a while longer, but everytime I heard or saw hints of the storm I would assure him with a cuddle, and he would return the gesture.

He eventually fell asleep, and so did the fire. I heard a bit of rumbling still, but its coming from his chest... is he purring? I cant help but smile and nuzzle deeper into my cats hold on me.

I thought I would regret this when I awoke the next morning, like Tom would turn on me, forget I was there or just his owners would find me, but oddly enough, when I awoke he was still just laying there.

He was awake, and the second he saw me he seemed to act all tsundere and scoff, But betrayed his actions by slighly holding me closer and letting out a low purr...

Brrr! Nope! The electricity must not be back, its freezing anywhere away from Tom and his blanket. We make eye contact for a brief moment, then go back to cuddling until the heat came back... and maybe after lunch... and maybe a little bit longer than the nights the storm lasted.

I never knew how fun it was to be a teddy bear.

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