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Maya's POV
Last week me and josh went to Paris for our honeymoon. It was so magical, well anywhere with Josh is magical. Today is the first day of my senior year. I'm happy to see the classmates from last year. But I'm gonna really miss Josh. I was walking to Riley's apartment and she was ready to go and Josh was driving us. When we got to the school I gave Josh a kiss and we went in . Guys were hitting on me and Riley and I said that I was married and raised up my hand to show them my ring. Then they backed off and I lied/said that Riley is pregnant .We met up with the gang. After school, I went home to Josh.
Josh: sweetie guess what
Maya: what
Josh : me and Lucas entered a motorcycle race
Maya- that's great hope you win
Josh- me and Lucas are best friends and I want to do things with him.
Maya- I'm glad that you are gonna enjoy this .. so when is it
Josh- today at 4
Maya- it's 3:30 we should be heading over there
Josh- ya let's go
He said as he grabbed his gear and keys
We got there and we saw Lucas
Maya: hey where's Riley isn't she here to cheer you on
Lucas: no I'm mad that she picked to hang out with Zay over me
Maya : oh
They were told to get ready . I started to FaceTime Riley
Riley: hi peaches
Maya: um you not here at the motorcycle race support Lucas ??
Riley- um
Maya- he looked kinda upset
Riley- he did ??
I nodded
She hung up
I have a feeling that she's coming. I watched Lucas go and I saw his mom in the crowd. And apparently he did too because I guess he was distracted and he feel off his motorcycle and lost . His mom never really supported him on things.
Then Josh went he was the last one . His time to beat was3:15:03
When he finished his time was 3:09:18
I went to go kiss him and hug him . He won. Then he took pictures with everyone . I went to a booth that Lucas was sitting down in . I sat down next to him.
Lucas: I was horrible I got distracted
Maya: your a great friend and you shouldn't tell yourself that your horrible
Lucas: I'm a loser
He looked at the floor
I put my hand on his shoulder
I tried to look at his face that was looking down
Maya: well your a winner to me
Then Lucas he - he pecked my lips
I moved away
Lucas: I thought-
Maya: well don't !! I love Josh and -and I'm married !
I went back to Josh
Riley's POV
I saw it Lucas kissed my best friend
I thought he loved me
I ran away
Josh POV
I was with all these random people taking photos
I saw Maya run to me and hug and then we went home
Maya POV
I got a text
Huckleberry: hey plz don't tell josh he's my bff and I don't want to ruin it
Maya: Idk I don't wanna keep secrets from my husband
Huckleberry: ugh just think of it
Maya: fine 🙄
End of convo
Ugh. I should tell Josh . But then who knows what will happen .
*the next day ,after school*
We were all at our house . Josh and I were outside
Riley and Lucas were inside and so were the rest .
Riley POV
Riley: can I talk to you Lucas
Lucas: um sure
Here it goes
Riley: I saw you kiss Maya
Lucas: how
Riley :I was there ... Lucas do you like Maya
Lucas: I don't know
Josh POV
Maya : Josh we need to talk
Josh: is something wrong ??
Maya: yes .. something happen yesterday at the motorcycle race
Josh: what happened
Maya: I told Lucas that we wasn't a loser that he was a winner to me then he-he kissed me then I told him to stop cause I love you
Josh:I can't believe I called him my best friend .... wait do you like him??
Maya: um - -no
Why did she stutter
She probably does like him or not .. it so confusing
I walked up the stairs and ran into Lucas
Josh: you kissed my wife !!
Lucas: I'm sorry ..I got too caught up
Josh: and to think I ever called you my best friend
I pushed him down the stairs and he got injured
Maya ran down to help him . I rolled my eyes. Why did she help, him.
When I'm the one who's hurt 3rd person POV
Maya was helping Lucas and Riley came over to check on him
Maya left and went to Josh.
Maya: Josh! I need to talk to you
Josh: yea we probably should talk
Maya: I don't like him , I love you and only you
Josh smiled
Maya: but you did have to push him down the stairs
Josh: *sigh* I know... I don't know why I did that
Maya: you know you can apologize
Josh: I should
Josh got up and went towards Lucas to help him up
Josh: I'm so so sorry
Lucas: no I'm sorry I'm the one who started this in the first place
Josh: yeah but I overreacted
Lucas : I forgive you
Josh: I do too
Lucas: we good ??
Josh: yeah
Lucas and Riley went home and Maya and josh were happy .
Josh: I'm glad we got threw that
Maya: me too
Josh: I love you
Maya: I love you too
Josh: well I'm gonna eat dinner want some
Maya: what did you make ??
Josh: spaghetti
Maya: yum
They ate their dinner and cuddled in bed
Josh: do you think Lucas kissed you because he likes you
Maya: well if he does then he can't have me cause I'm yours
Josh smiled when she said I'm yours
They went to sleep

I know I love u ( Joshaya ) and (Rucas ) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя