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 Young Man: "I'm guessing she left us alone to have that particularly awkward chat between the suitor and the suitee's father."

Older Man: "It would seem so.  What do you do?"

Young Man: "Nothing."

Older Man: "Excuse me?"

Young Man: "I do nothing, sir."

Older Man: "You're unemployed?"

Young Man: "If you like."

Older Man: "Well, I really don't, actually."

Young Man: "I walk a particular path, I'd say."

Older Man: "And that path is?"

Young Man: "I reject others' attempts at shaping me."

Older Man: "Well, son, there really is a time where you've got to grow the fuck up and eat that crow, you know?   And you sound pretentious as hell with the way you're answering my questions."

Young Man: "Is that what growing up is?  I feel like an adult.  I look like an adult.  I make adult decisions, but I resent the hell out of anyone who tries to force me to be something I'm not."

Older Man: "So basically you're a lowlife, a drifter."

Young Man: "I suppose for the sake of your argument that I am indeed a lowlife."

Older Man: "You don't seem like a complete dumbass, though."

Young Man: "I don't think I am.  My particular path is one of confusion and uncertainty as well as dire purpose."

Older Man: "Dire purpose? Christ, I take that back.  You might actually be an imbecile.  But I don't follow what you mean by 'dire purpose'."

Young Man: "Well, you are right in that I am a drifter, sir.  However, I don't much drift from place to place, unless you consider jobs to be places.  They are, but usually a drifter is someone who has no real fixed home.  I suppose I do have a fixed home."

Older Man: "Then how are you a drifter?"

Young Man: "I drift from idea to idea.  From love to love.  From certainty to uncertainty."

Older Man: "No wonder you're so pretentious.  You're one of those tortured artist-types."

Young Man: "In a way, we all are.  Everyone who works for a job that does not fulfill their soul is a tortured artist in a way.  I don't look at myself as a tortured artist.  I look at myself as a complete outsider.  Someone for whom destiny is merely a pipe dream."

Older Man: "Destiny isn't a word most people bandy about, son.  You aren't going to impress me by bandying about those words, either.  I can bandy with the best of them."

Young Man: "I don't think I HAVE to impress you, sir, but let me just tell you exactly what I represent.  I represent failure.  Most likely, my entire life will elude me as I strive for something that I cannot name.  I know exactly what it is I like and what it is I do not like, yet I cannot tell you exactly what it is that I want.  I want the world to be better, but I do nothing to make it thus and I live on the outskirts of responsibility."

Older Man: "Sounds like a pretty eloquent cop-out to me."

Young Man:  "Could be, yet I cop out of nothing, sir.  I claim personal responsibility for everything I do or say.  When I am criticised for what I am, I merely shrug my shoulders.  They, and you, are absolutely right.  Who can judge me harsher than myself?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2012 ⏰

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