A thousandth of a millennium, A hundredth of a century, A tenth of a decade

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Things that may or may not have been said during the year spent protecting Satine on Mandalore:

"Did you know that we've known each other for a thousandth of a millennium, a hundredth of a century and a tenth of a decade?"
"Did you know that it's two o'clock in the morning and I was asleep?"

"I had a dream that we were asleep in a cave and a bantha got in. Wait, did I close the door?"

"How would one go about creating a pair of socks out of leaves?"

*hiding in a tree*
"I spy something that's... Green"

"Who do you think came up with the idea for the Jedi temple? I mean, someone just sits down one day and says, 'Right, we're gonna kidnap some three year olds, give them deadly weapons, tell them to keep calm and then send them into battle. What could possibly go wrong?'"

"Master, what's the point of a padawan braid?"
"So I can pull it when you complain."

"Wait, what colour are your eyes?"

"Why do you wear blue all the time?"
"So I blend in with the sky. Ask me another."

"I just remembered how much I hate being cold."

"Grass is like a nice, soft, prickly mattress of hedgehogs."

"I suppose I should sleep, but I'm just too tired."

"I never needed central heating more than I do now."

"I wish I remembered to water my houseplant."

"I literally just dropped my last ration bar on the ground. Honestly, kill me now. I'm done. This is the last straw. Oh, wait, I have one more. Life is good."

This is just a collection of funny sentences that probably were said at some point by someone. I can just imagine the ongoing jokes and banter they had, even in such a dangerous time.

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