January 24th: The end of The Girls Beauty Forever

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Then there were sirens and flashing lights. I heard muffled noices and lots of crying. It was coming from our four mouths. I heard all our parents and family and friends screaming help for us... Except my parents... Then everything went black.

The last thing I knew we were all in the same room. I just woke up and was looking around. All my other friends were really scraped up. But ashley and Monica looked different. They both were really pail. I beeped in the doctor to make sure everything was okay. As he came in I was already in a panic mood. Dr. Young told me that they both went in to a coma. I was really scared. I asked the doctor if he could call my parents and tell them what happened. As he was walking to the phone, my fingers were crossed under my blanket, wishing they were home. They are never home because they are always out of town on business. Dr. Young came and sat on the end of my bed. He said they did not pick up. I don't think that nothing has ever broke my heart more before. I asked if he could call my grandma. When he starts to talk I know that my grandma picked up her cell phone. About 20 minutes later my

grandma Beth walks through the door. I don't know why but I start to cry. She rushed over an gave me a really big hug. I was so warm wrapped up in her arms with my head on her shoulder. He lean back and ask her if my friends will be okay. As soon as I say this Rachel walks in our of breath. We both met eyes and start to cry. I told her that I was so sorry that I hurt her. She told me that everything was okay she just had a few scraps and scars everywhere. She sets on her bed and says you know that Ashley and Monica are in a coma. I said yes the doctor told me. I also asked when do you think they will wake up. She didn't reply. We sat there a while and looked at the ground. My grandma said that she was going to walk around so we could talk a little. After she left there was really nothin to talk about. In my head I was wondering if she was mad at me for what I did.

Weeks went by and Monica and Ashley still showed no signs of movements. Rachel, Gabriella and I stayed in the hospital only leaving if nessicary. Us three all had swollen eyes and our once perfect bodies were now beat up with scars, bruises, and still cuts. We all talked and I knew they weren't mad at me for getting in a crash. We all were a little drunk anyway. Apparently the semi driver had made a hit and run. So I guess they were okay. We had all been depressed for the last two weeks. Then as I came in with coffee for all.. I seen movement. I automatically screamed out. " dr. Young!!! Dr.young! Gabriella! Rachel! There awake! Their moving! They're alivee!!!!!" they rushes in the doors and we all crowded around their side by side beds. Ashley had awoken a a couple hours before monica. She was skinnier than ever before and looked sickly. As Monica did too. We all talked and cried for what seems like a year. We all were happy to see each other alive. But the next day While Monica started looking healthier.. Ashley became more sickly. The doctor ran tests.

He just came in the door and I'm terrified to whAt he'll say.

"Monica is doing very well. But as for Ashley..."

He took a glance over at Ashley sleeping beautifully..

"I'm afraid she's getting sicker by the second. From the results of the test..... She has about a week left......... At the most before she passes. I am terribly sorry for this. "

He left leaving me me shocked starring at the door.

The girls had walked in and were trying to get me to talked and I finally got the strentgth to tell them. I finished and cried again along with the other three girls. I guess that's about the time Ashley decided to awaken.

"why areyou guys crying!?!? What's wrong!?"

We all turned to look at her and didn't say anything for a few minutes before Gabriella cleared her throat.

"... The doctor said.....you w-were getting s-sicker by the second. And t-that y-you have a week t-the m-most to l-liv-ve." she stuttered before breaking down again.

January 24th: The end of The Girls Beauty ForeverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz