Why The Signs Love Fall/ Cold Weather

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Why The Signs Love Fall/Cold weather:-

♈ Aries: Hair blowing wildly in the wind; walking barefoot across a cold floor; lace-up leather boots, trudging down damp country lanes full of puddles.

♉ Taurus: The smell of cinnamon and baking; rosy cheeks; a warm blanket over your shoulders; late nights binging on netflix.

 Gemini: Playing in puddles with bright gumboots; reading a favourite book by candlelight; scribbling in notebooks under overcast skies.

♋ Cancer: Oversized jumpers; creamy hot chocolate with whipped cream on top; fluffy earmuffs; a chilly wind freezing the tip of your nose.

♌ Leo: The colour orange everywhere; early morning runs; stylish overcoats; jumping into a pile of autumn leaves.

♍ Virgo: Watching the street through foggy windows in cafés; vanilla-scented candles; the dancing tendrils of steam from a mug of hot tea.

♎ Libra: Hanging fairylights everywhere; flannel shirts; capturing the image of dancing leaves with a vintage camera; falling asleep to the sound of the rain.

♏ Scorpio: The crunching of leaves underfoot; muted sunlight filtered through autumn leaves; the flickering of candlelight in the dark; halloween.

♐ Sagittarius: Roasting marshmallows over a crackling fire;  staying up late to play board games; meandering wooded roads.

♑ Capricorn: A warm bath to relax after a long day; thick mittens; the natural silence of the woods; dark lip colours; the right amount of blankets in bed.

♒ Aquarius: Wandering aimlessly under falling leaves; warming your hands on a mug; being a dragon with clouds of warm breath in the cold air.

♓ Pisces: Cute beanies with pom poms; playing with your pet on a warm rug; lying on a tartan blanket while listening to music through headphones.

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