Confessions of Some Signs

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Taurus Confession:

I feel as if I can´t ever trust anybody fully again. Almost every close friend I have had, has let me down in some kind of way, either lied to me, pushed me away when they are with someone else, taken advantage of me, talked behind my back or stolen from me. 

Sagittarius Confession:

It’s not that I can’t commit, it’s that I don’t want to commit to someone who isn’t willing to run off with me into the sunset… I mean it’s not like we won’t be back home for sunrise. Yeah we’ll be tired but there’s coffee for that. 

Aquarius Confession:

we always mean to text back but sometimes we’ll be like “okay I’ll text them after I finish this” and then we get distracted and forget. it’s nothing personal though it happens with a lot of things besides texting. 

Cancer Confession:

I feel way too much, too much of the time. The littlest things get to me, and i feel emotions second hand a lot of the time. A lot of the time I wish I could just turn off my emotions so I can just live and not have some worry or thought on my mind 100% of the time. I find myself trying so hard to make others open up that I end up pushing them away, but I just want to help others feel.

Pisces Confession:

whenever my friend is going through a hard time, i always feel like it is my fault and i could’ve done something more than what my friendship is offering. i tend to take this out on myself which leads to decisions i regret, but don’t regret it more than the silence between my friends and i. they can’t handle my dreams and i can’t handle their reality.

Libra Confession:

I can give advice and help other people, mediate arguments, balance people’s emotions and everything, but when it comes to me I have no clue what to do. If I’m upset, I don’t say anything because I value my friendship with someone over my own emotions. 

Capricorn Confession:

tbh alot of people are intimidated by me and assume I’m a bitch before the my get to know me. It’s like no, I’m such a cinnamon roll. Just don’t get on my bad side and you’ll keep getting cinnamon roll me.

Aries Confession:

I’m very outgoing and fiery to other people, I present myself out very confidently but I’m much more nervous and frightened of being alone inside. It’s hard to get my fears out in the open and talk them out, even though I feel like I should. 

Gemini Confession:

I think that I shouldn’t be jealous of people I love, but I end up freaking out, like when someone talks to my best friend. Also I always feel superior to some people even knowing its wrong and that I shouldn’t feel like that.

Scorpio Confession: ( too long because I know ya well my best friend 😉 ....and other people reading this...well I am talking bout my best friend @aatiriya )

Sometimes my emotions overwhelm me. I either feel really good or really bad. I am never just okay. I feel like I constantly have a ton of love to give, but I can never seem to find someone who would be willing to handle all of my feelings. There’s so much that I want to say and do, but I live in constant fear of getting my thoughts and feelings rejected. I just want someone to be able to understand me and the way my mind works, but I have the hardest time to trust people and I always feel like I’m misunderstood and isolated. I’m too much of one thing or too little of another. I can’t even tell if I’m in between. Being this emotional and intuitive literally sucks the life out of me. It is a gift to feel things, but sometimes I wish for a moment to just be numb. Besides, I am prone to addictions. I am not quick to anger but when I do get angry it is intense and it seems like I am making a big deal out of nothing, but I can’t control myself.

Virgo Confession:

I think I’m really really really boring. I’m always so serious and stern and I try to have fun, I really do! But I crave so much structure and planning I tend to just sap the fun out of everything. I analyze to the point of no return. I’m in a point in life where I’m trying to decide what to DO with my life but everything I’m good at is so BORING. When I take aptitude tests I’m told to be an accountant, a bookkeeper or a secretary.

Leo Confession:

I love performing on stage and up there i let loose and go crazy, but I become shy and not really loud at all when its not my time to shine. I am a good leader and love being liked, however, i am not really the person that stands out in a group unless i need to. Its confusing, i am not the one standing out unless i have to! 

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