88K 1.5K 1.8K

"Now for the rules". Daddy said taking out a sheet for paper and pen. I watch as he wrote Rules on the top of the paper.

"Okay, the rules are". Daddy said writing on the paper.


•Listen to daddy
no back talk
Tell daddy everything including mood everyday.
• room clean.
•Eat real food not a lot of sweets.
•bed time
•no cursing
•Always give me a kiss good morning and good night.

If any of these rules are broken then you will be punished with spankings or times out.

You will be rewarded 15,000$ a week for being a good girl and having your room clean on Saturday morning.

"Whoa" I said when he said 15,000

"Umm daddy I don't want 15,000". I said. "I want 10$ to buy some more brownie mix." I said looking at daddy.

"How about 20,000". Daddy said. "NOOOO!! That's more then the first one". I said.

"I no want money I want cuddles from you daddy". I said. "You get cuddles all day you need something else for being good." Daddy said.

"No just cuddles". I frowned. Daddy was quiet. I looked at him as he stared at me. "Daddy?" I asked poking his cheek. "How about 50,000" daddy asked. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TOO MUCH MONEY I NO WANT MONEY"!!! I yelled. "To much how bout 2$ a week?" I asked. "200,000". He said.

"No 5$ a week". I said with tears in my eyes.

"Ok 10,000 a week". He said. "I'm not going any lower". He added. "Ok". I said looking away from him.

"No 15,000 that's it no arguing with me". He said putting 15,000 down.

I looked at the paper as he wrote started to write about the next thing.

His phone pinged and he looked at it.

"Lets go meet a new friend". He said. "Me?" I asked as he placed me on the desk.

He pushed back in the chair then helped me down. "Yes you principessa". He said grabbing my hand and walk to the door.

He lead me to the front door I looked at him.

"Daddy doggies". I said. "They can't get you the put up". He said. "Pick me up". I said not trusting that. He picked me up. I smiled as I smelt him. Daddy began walk out of the door.

I looked to see where we was going but the sun shine so bright. I put my face in daddy neck. I licked his neck then cheek. "Your mine I licked you". I said. "Always was your." He said. "Not when the bad people was around". I said touching a faded scar. "Don't worry about them. They can't get you". He said stop walking.

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