Chapter 1- POV- Kyleigh

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-"I hope I can be here as a voice, as a friend while playing video games for you. If you feel depressed or sad or anything like that, Jack is here." -Jacksepticeye

It was a normal day with Abbie, and me, CherryLeigh, until Hudson's trashy YouTube channel and him spreading lies about us; Julia, Chloe aka NotSoAmazingChloe, Abbie aka EcHo, and me.
So what did I do?
Call the others, of course.
Once everyone was at Abbie's house, we thought long and hard about the situation.
Why so much subscribers for telling lies? Why so much views and likes, and why was Hudson doing this? But then a horrific thought came into my head. Do people believe Hudson? Without telling my friends, I clicked out of the channel and went to my subscriber count. It went down every second. I went to my videos. More dislikes and comments saying that I'm a horrible person. Why? Hudson said that I went to prison 2 times. One for doing drugs, and the other for murdering a kid. I'm only 18, why would I do something like that? The others had bad things said about them, too. Under aged drinking, starting a forest fire, murder, and assault. All the horrible lies said about us. We just couldn't believe it! I turned off the computer, and we called it a day. A horrible, no good, very bad day. (Please don't sue me)... Upset, we all went downstairs in complete silence. You could call that pouting, but I'd call it "processing what just happened." I think everyone else would call it that, too. Except all the innocent people who believe Hudson's lies, and Hudson himself. We sat at the table, quiet for a minute or two. "What are we going to do?" I whispered. Once again, silence... An ear splitting silence. I slowly realized the shock my friends were in, and how it felt that there was a cage locked around it, not letting my thoughts go. I put my arms around my head that was resting on the table, then closed my eyes, pleading for this to be a bad dream.
But alas,
It wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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