
18 3 2

You thought you would break me
Then fix it with a word
Sorry doesn't quite cover it all
How about sorry for tasting him
Or come home with his scent
You deserve a round of applause
From the depths of hell I will rise
From the bottom of the ocean I will emerge
From the land I will transcend to more
I will soar high above where you can't reach me
Stretch your arms all that you can
Throw your objects with all your might
You will never reach me for I am ME
I shall watch from above as a GOD
I will be the one to determine your fate
Do you have any FAITH
For it won't save your life
You are cruel and vile
I know all your moves
I have warned all those around you
They know what you do
They now know all about you
Your Fate is in my hands
Shall I let you pass or die where you stand

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