Philosophy II - Love

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I personally believe love to be one of the most powerful feelings known to man. It has the power to build up people and destroy them. The power to make a person feel on cloud nine or make them feel worthless. Love is a strong emotion and must be used with care. Most people disregard that and throw out love like it is confetti. This is one of the most destructive things a person could possibly do. If you give out all of your love, them you don't have any left for that special person. Don't make a person feel adored when you act in that manner to everyone who crosses your path. It doesn't ever feel good to know that you weren't as special as you thought you were.

Defining love can be a difficult thing, Of course, dictionaries have all of their definitions, but those aren't enough. Love is so abstract that one can not put it into one simple definition. It's the feeling you get in your stomach when you're on the very top of a roller coaster, just teetering on the edge of plummeting down. It's the warm feeling that you get when you drink hot chocolate. It's the feeling you get when you look at a sky full of stars and know everything is going to be okay. It's a feeling of security, knowing you will always have someone to fall back on. It's the feeling you get when you look at someone and can't help but smile at them. It's the feeling of laughing to the point of tears. It's knowing that to one person, you matter. It's the feeling of being grounded and knowing one thing for sure.

But it's also the feeling of crying so much that tears don't even come out, just dry hiccups. It's the feeling of your world crashing down around you, but there's nothing you can do about it. It's the feeling of being so envious you hate yourself and wish you weren't even born. It's the feeling of walking on a tightrope, knowing at any moment you could topple off. It's the feeling of being so scared that you just freeze up. Love is wild and knows no boundaries. It is impossible to predict. And so often, it's the reason people do the things they do.

The worst thing is when all that love runs out or they just get bored of you. It's a suffocating feeling upon realizing someone doesn't love you anymore. It's like someone slipping something from out under you, making you feel disoriented. But you can grow from it. I know it seems like the world is ending, but trust me, it isn't. You should not feel ashamed or think you aren't good enough. You are beautiful, it just takes the right person to really appreciate it. Don't think for a second you're stupid for crying over someone. You put all your love and trust into someone just to have them leave you. But it will get better. One day you will wake up and realize you're okay, that everything is gonna be okay. And that will be a beautiful moment.

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