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Huge thanks to @Wolfheart456 for giving me the copyright permission to write this one.

Surprise!! Surprise!! This story actually generated from wolfheart's roleplay. We were having an awesome roleplay with an amazing plot. So we decided to turn it into a novel and I did it. XD Of course I created my own plot but it was the following roleplayers that created their characters and gave them a unique personality.

The Roleplayers with their main characters:

Me, @Janus_ark8 : Tim

@kezzi1 : Rina

@Wolfheart456 : Reginald and Michael

Follow the characters as they embark on an exciting tale of myth and magic, of fantasy and adventures, of strenght and weakness....as they try to sort out their differences, and watchout for a new unknown enemy.

Should I say more?? Probably not...

Head on to the first chapter....

In a far away galaxy, a mysterious world existed that was home to two particular species- sages and shifters. This world was shared by them and they called it 'Haven'. 

Sages and shifters owned their territorities and they usually didn't get along with each other.

While the shifters had the extraordinary gift to transform into animals such as wolf or panther, sages could control the elements that govern the workings of the Universe. 

Sages grew stronger with age and wisdom, being able to control and extend their capabilities.

A young sage[10-17 years] has 1 element, an adult sage [18-25 years] has 2 elements and mature or older sages could control three elements. 

So also, the shifter's strenght grew and developed with age. Their super ability to heal and withstand large impacts immensely helped them in their battle of survival.

Their supposedly habitable world was plagued by some constant conflicts between the sages and the shifters. Apparently they were quite advanced. Huge buildings towered upon most of the habitable part of 'haven'. They used technologies such as cell phones, automobiles and the usual lot.

Dense forests covered most other part. Their sun was infact a nebula that possibly had a white dwarf star at its center. So a bright rotating disk could be seen in the sky during the day.

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