Blood. I lost blood. How did I lose blood? Pondering this, my head began to pound yet again. I sighed in frustration, leaning away from Gretta and putting my full weight on my feet. Despite the slight dizziness, I stood steadily.

“What time is it? And where is Amaya?” I asked Gretta, aiming to change the subject. She looked briskly at a clock on the wall that I had not noticed.

“12:40. Auction's in twenty minutes, dear. Best not be late. I'll help. Amaya is at her house, getting prepared for the Auction. I'm sure she'll meet you there.” as Gretta babbled on about what a nice girl Amaya was and how lucky I was to be friends with her and wasn't she just the prettiest thing? I was hearing her words from a few sentences back, feeling as if I was falling down into a deep pit.

Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes. One thousand two hundred seconds.

Twenty minutes.

That left me no time to make myself ugly.

I stood for several minutes despairing over this and trying to figure out why it was I looked nothing like myself while Gretta flung open the drawers of a dresser and pulled out a simple lavender frock, with long tight fitting sleeves and no identifiable waistline. In a daze, I put on the undergarments that she gave me, —a tight fitting corset and leggings—and let her pull my hair back in a simple braid down my back. A strip of ivory lace went around my waist, giving my body shape within the dress. A pair of leathery brown ankle boots went on my feet, and then Gretta was standing back and smiling proudly at me, as if I were some amazing piece of artwork that she was seeing for the first time.

“Gretta...” I trailed off, unsure of what to say. “Thank you. For everything.” she shook her head, patting my shoulder.

“Nothing to thank me about,” she said briskly, “I'm glad I was able to help. You look lovely. Now go,” she ordered, “And if I were you, I'd run. Lord knows you don't want to be late. I met her warm brown eyes and gave her a small smile, threw my arms around her for a moment, then followed her advice and broke into a trot toward the center square. For a few minutes I paced down the cobblestoned streets darting horses and vegetable carts and young children tossing a small wooden ball around. Panting and out of breath, I let out a sigh of relief as I reached my destination.

Now, the center square used to be beautiful, back when humans were in charge. It's hundreds of years old. The buildings, the pavement, everything. The mayor's building (Mayor Tuck—the fattest witch to walk this earth, I'm sure) must have been impressive at one time, but now when you look at it, it just gives the impression of loneliness, with it's dark windows and decrepit pillars. A sort of podium had been set up on the steps of the Tuck Building, with groups of people lined up by age in front of it. Anxious parents watched by the sidelines, some clutching tissues, others staring at their child in the crowd. To the right of the podium was about fifty chairs, I estimated, filled with people who were ready to bid. With a shock, I noticed Queen Ekaterina amid the bidders.

She was more beautiful than I had imagined. I stared at her, and a sort of tickle filled my head, as though...she was important...and familiar.

The pounding was back.

I averted my gaze as I slipped in amongst my age-mates, searching for Amaya in the throng. Mayor Tuck took the stage just as I spotted her, and I noticed reluctantly that she looked beautiful. The pretty ones always went first. Of course, Amaya was always saying that it was a wonder I had never been chosen, but then I'd remind her that when I went to the Auctions, I didn't look pretty. I never did. Except for today.

“Welcome all. The Auction will now begin!” Mayor Tuck boomed, clutching his enormous stomach. He had made an effort to look presentable, with his wispy brown-grey hair gelled back over his bald spot and his bushy eyebrows brushed. “We'll start with the youngest. Avery Yuang!” A small, skinny girl with a plain yellow sundress took the podium. There were no bidders. Avery Yuang was dismissed from the stage and into the arms of her mother, who looked very relieved indeed.

The Dark KingdomOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz