Chapter 3

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Okay, so I'm going to start really working on this story again. Check out my other one; it's called Haven of Light. I also have a collection of poems and scary stories and funny quotes, too.


“Amaya.” I stated emotionlessly, “Climb higher.” I got into a low crouch, so I would be able to spring up or away depending on what the bear did. It slowly started to circle me, emitting a low rumbling growl every once in a while.

This is not right, I thought, frowning slightly, Bears do not usually attack like this. That was true. When bears attack, they charge. This one was different. I noticed vaguely with my peripheral vision Amaya climbing quickly up the tree, which I gave a small nod to. At the same time, I realized that on the bear's left hind leg was a smallish insignia, silvery yellow and intricate. It was the Royal's insignia—the witches. The bear must have escaped from their private menagerie. But how? Animals never escaped; there were magical wards around the walls of the menagerie to keep the animals from going out.

A small scream snapped me out of my contemplation and I cursed myself for letting my thoughts go astray. It was not Amaya's scream, however, it was older. I looked up, searching for the source of the scream. My eyes landed on beautiful girl laying on the ground, and I saw the blood that Amaya had been talking about. It was all over her lovely creamy yellow silk dress and legs, splashes of it covered her hands and face.

The bear let out another gut wrenching roar and I switched my gaze back to him. Taking a deep breath steady myself, I leapt forward before I could give myself time to think about it and slashed at his hind leg, leaving a thick cut running deep. The bear bellowed in frustration as blood poured out of the wound. He swiped at me, but I danced away, tantalizing him. Heart pounding, I met it's small black eyes and felt a swelling sensation deep in my stomach. It was built up of everything I was feeling; fear, pain, and the deep underlying sadness that was always there. My breathing became heavier and I winced in surprise as a small jolt of pain ran through my body. I bent with it, curling in around myself as it got worse. I faintly heard the bear utter one more snarl, then turn and run into the underbrush. The pain coiled in my stomach, and before long, I was on my hands and knees on the ground, dry heaving onto the leaves. Amaya jumped down from the tree next to me and patted my back while I waited for the pain to subside. When it did, I wiped the sweat from my forehead and stood on shaky legs.

“Dessie—what just--” Amaya started, pale and shaking also.

“I have no idea, Amaya.” I answered, staring at the spot in the bushes the bear had disappeared into. He was gone, I could sense it. Another cry of pain wrenched me from my thoughts and I quickly filed my questions away in my mind so I could think about it later. Not putting away my knife, I rushed to the woman laying on the ground. She was clutching the soil desperately, legs thrashing around. Her eyes were so wide I could see white all around and she breathed in quick little pants. There were small pinpricks all over her body, in clumps of two everywhere. Vamprye. It would explain her strange behavior also, for vamprye saliva could make a person hysterical. It was also said that people hallucinated, but nobody could remember what happened while the saliva ran through their bloodstream.

“Help me!” she screamed suddenly, and I felt Amaya flinch next to me. Without thinking about it I scooped her up in my arms, ignoring the blood and venom seeping into my clothing.

“Amaya,” I spoke harshly to the trembling girl that stood next to me, “Run back to the village and get Gretta up, she'll know what to do.” Gretta was the best healer we had in the village, and would hopefully be able to do something for the girl's numerous vamprye wounds.

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