Chapter 1

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Okay, so this is the first chapter. I hope you like it! Please, vote, comment, and fan me, and let me know if I should continue!




And all the works!!!!




In my world, the world of the Dark People, time has no meaning. To them, at least. I was nothing more than a lowly peasant girl that was occasionally beaten by her drunken mother. It was very uncommon around here, but so was alcohol. So it would make sense, at least, it does for me.

Let me explain. A very long time ago, the era when the humans ruled above the vampryes, sirens, and witches...the Dark People revolted. Humans discovered that they existed, and what they were.

Vampryes, otherwise known as vampires, or possibly even vampyre. Vampryes are deadlier, faster, stronger, and of course much, much more impossibly, inhumanly beautiful than anything I have ever seen.

Vampryes do drink blood, although they do not need it to survive. It is said that back when the first vamprye was created, she drank the blood of five rabbits, leaving their corpses on the ground for the humans to find in the morning. By doing this, the first vamprye, who was named Lila, gained the life energy of the rabbits and forever after drank the blood of any human she could find.

I said human because sirens and witches are people, but they are not humans.

Lila also drank the blood of her cousin, Drita, who had helped her become a vamprye. Drita was a witch and had the magic to make Lila into the vamprye, but did not approve of Lila drinking the blood of the rabbits, for witches were protectors of all nature and beings and Lila had gone against everything she had been taught. Lila was a witch too, and she cast a spell over her teeth, and this is where the fangs come in. Lila was something of a pessimist—she did not want to die, and by doing these unthinkable acts, she succeeded with her plan. But she could never take back what she had done, and so she is still bitter, angry at herself for killing her cousin. She regrets it, although by killing Drita she was cursed not to have the one thing that made her happy. By drinking the blood of a fellow witch, Lila was cursed to never have children. Drita put the spell on her, knowing that the one thing that made Lila happy was the one thing that she must never have. It was what Lila always had wanted.

That is why she drank Drita's blood. For revenge. What Drita did not know, however, was that once Lila killed her, the spell vanished, for it's tied life force had disappeared. Thus, Lila had babies. That is how the vamprye race came to be.

Vampryes can indeed go out in the sunlight, although they say if you are a newborn Vamprye, the sun can be extremely painful. Their eyes do turn a reddish hue when they are feeling bloodlust. They can wear The Holy Cross around their necks; in fact, some of them are quite religious. They can cross running water and eat garlic. They can walk into any stranger's home as long as they don't mind being rude. They do live for eternity, unless they are killed, and nobody except the vampryes know how to kill a vamprye, and that is not something they go around sharing lightly. The subject of mind control has always fascinated me, for it varies. Some vampryes are telepathic, some are telepathic and have an odd, whispery-voice-in-your-head telepathy or mind control. Most can influence people. Some are so powerful that you do not even know what has hit you. There are many kinds. Mostly the Royals are the powerful ones. Vampryes are deadly, beautiful, and admired creatures.

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