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A/N a massive thank you to KinaWrites  for the wonderful book cover! You are the best, thank you thank you thank you!!

I sit up against the wall and as my hand throbs my eye lids weigh heavy. Sitting here in the rubble of dirt I hear the sounds of footsteps. Looking through the corner of my eye. Two men approaching.

"Hey man, you can't be over here!"

"I can't drive either! I'm drunk!" I shout back in a slur.

"Don't you have someone to call?" The other man shouts making my brains wince in pain.

"Don't worry I'm leaving." Getting up off the ground. My stomach churns and I begin throwing up. It burns as it comes up my throat. Just as I finish they grab a hold of me. One taking me by my arms the other searching me of my things.

"What the fuck? Get the fuck off me!" I try to kick but my legs are slightly off and the man isn't even standing where he appears to be. I try again only for the guy to punch me in the face. My eyes blur my vision going out. My head rolls to the right and the lights go out.

Waking up a woman washing at my face with a damp towel.

"Are you okay?"

My eye can hardly open. My hand is throbbing and my stomach is sick. I get up from my place on this mat on the floor. I look around only to see I'm in some sort of restaurant kitchen.

"You're at the bar. You were mugged outside. I just found you and I dragged you in here. They seemed to have taken your shoes, your cellphone and your wallet."

"Fuck." I manage to mutter.

"My name is Lena, I called the police. If you want to stay here until then..."

"No I want to get out of here. Can I use a phone?"

She hands me her phone and I force myself to stand. I dial Samantha and she picks up on the second ring.


"Ms. Fields it's Mr. Morse. I've been mugged cancel all my cards and any payments made from today."

"Okay sir, are you okay. Do you need a ride?"

I check for my keys and they're gone. "Yes call Henry tell him I'm down the street from the hospital my father stayed at a bar. Tell him to hurry."

She immediately ends the call and I force myself to sit back down. Lena looks at me and takes the phone back and hands me a bag of ice.

"This is for your eye it looks pretty bad."

I place the ice on my eyes freezing the sore spot. I try to stand and nearly fall. Balancing myself, I turn to her thanking her and leaving the kitchen into the bar. The bar had very few people inside. No one bothered to look at me. This was either something they seen often, or everyone here had their own shit to worry about. Either way I left, standing outside the sun was bright forcing me to squint. My eye shuts and the pain of having it move makes me clench my jaw.

The car pulls up after what felt like a half hour. Henry jumps out the car opening the back door and trying hard not to stare. I must look ridiculous, hell I feel ridiculous. The drive home is a silent one, making it easy for me to fall asleep. Only when he pulled into the driveway did I stir awake from my slumber. Marisa comes from the house running out to my aid.

She lifts my chin inspecting, "I'm fine Marisa really. I could use coffee, aspirin, and some of your hangover relief drinks." My insides shutter at the revolting taste of her relief drink.

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