Chapter 1

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Third Person View
  It was a simple house, simple family, simple life. Until someone who lived under the roof of that simple house made everything well...the opposite of simple really.
     He was sitting there on his bed, with the sheets tucked in. He had his computer in his lap and with one more click of his mouse, he was going to make a life changing decision. He was making the account, right now. And with that last thought he hit the button, the button that just told everyone who he had been in love with since the first day of 5th grade.  He was dating a girl, a very nice and pretty girl too. But she wasn't the girl. She wasn't the girl that made him laugh, she was the girl that  got him closer to the girl that he wanted to be with. Basically he was just dating her to get closer to Olivia. That was her name, that beautiful name she has. And then there is his girlfriend, the smart, pretty, and popular one, but all he wanted was Olivia.

"Molly have you seen this Instagram account made about Cody and I" Olivia said on her way to lunch with one of her best friends, Molly.

"Umm... No what's it about, and why would it be you and Cody, no offense but I don't ship it". Said Molly, looking over at Olivia's phone to see what she was talking about.

  "Whatever, I am just scared to see Cody when he see's it, I mean not to be rude but when Cody finds something he doesn't like, he doesn't just let it go, he hunts down that person and attempts murder" Olivia said quietly so know one else can hear except her and Molly.

Molly chuckled lightly "Yeah, I guess your right".

  As Molly and Olivia walked into the lunch room, they saw their other 3 friends sitting at a table and talking. Jordan is on vacation.When they approached them Molly heard Maddie talking about how she made this new account on Instagram with Kara. Molly immediately got suspicious.

  "Guys I found this Instagram account and the person who made it isn't revealing himself, and guess what it's about". Olivia said.

"Ooh I think I saw that too is it the one about you and Cody, because I totally ship it". Maddie said overly excited about it.

"Um... excuse me I am right here" Savannah said in a bratty tone while she rolled her eyes.

"Right sorry, well I could honestly care less who the person is I mean it could be one of us for all we know" said Maddie as she finished her sandwich.

  After that Savannah just got up and walked away. When she was leaving Kara noticed that she was crying a little. Kara nudged Molly in the side a little and pointed to Savannah, or Sav as they sometimes call her. After that Molly noticed too.

    Molly thought to herself, she was almost positive it was Maddie. She would have to tell Savannah right, she could see how upsetting it is to her. But then she would also have to tell Cody and Olivia and she does not want to do that. First of all Cody would probably kill Maddie. And second of all Savannah and Maddie probably would not be the greatest of friends after that. So she just decided to keep it to herself, for now.

Hey guys!! This is my first story!! And btw these people in the story are all my friends I just changed the personality of all of them and this story is mostly fake. Some of it is true though.

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