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Hey everyone omg first chapter, I'm so excited hope you all enjoy, please comment, like and vote.
Harry's P.O.V
As I toss and turn with my lack of sleep, I hear the front door opening and then closing. I was nonchalant at first, because my dad was always out late (so I thought he had just come home drunk again), until I heard my mother's shrieking screams of terror. I jolted upright, grabbed the closest thing near me, and bolted out the door. But there was no object, I could have grabbed, in the entire world that would prepare me for the sight I was about to see.

There, lying on the cold ground I saw my mother's lifeless body. Blood gushing out of her chest so fast and her red bloodshot eyes were wide open, filled with terror. Her dark hair was in a tangled mess above her, while her skin grew more pale with each passing second.

My dad was talking on his phone, casually holding the biggest gun I have ever seen. It took a couple of seconds for my brain to process what had just happened, but before I knew it, I was on the ground beating the living hell out of my dad. "You sick bastard, how could you do that?" I angrily asked him. He didn't react, just took the punches blow after blow. Maybe deep down he knew he deserved it. Then with the most sinister tone I had ever heard he whispered, "You're gonna regret it." Then without any warning, my dad took the gun, placed it to his right cheek and pulled the trigger. He closed his eyes and laid there, motionless.

My parents, the people who were fighting and hitting each other almost every day of their lives, were dead. Gone. I always cherished the happy moments of life, because they reminded me that life isn't all bad. But now I wasn't so sure. How could this happen? Why did I let this happen? As I was the type of person who blamed everything on themselves, of course I would blame myself for their death.

I was angry now, that was an understatement. I was furious, lost, scared, confused and sad at the same time. I was an emotional wreck. So I screamed because screaming felt like the best thing to do in this situation plus I didn't want to cry. I screamed and screamed at the top of my lungs into the dark night, until I couldn't anymore. I pulled at my short curls in anger. I crouched down on the floor. I laid down in fetal position and sobbed. Rocking my small body back and forth. And I sobbed hard, until I physically couldn't anymore. My chest felt so tight.

The silence was eerie and I wanted this all to be over. So there I lay on the bloody floor, staring blankly at the wall, mind clouded with thoughts. Until I heard the sirens, signaling that someone had called the police. Great. That's the last thing I need right now. The cars pulled up to a stop near my house. A man, looking to be in his mid forties stepped out of the car. He grabbed me by the arms and attempted to pull me into the car. But I couldn't go, I couldn't leave my parents. So I pulled and struggled to get out of his strong grasp. Kicking and screaming. I heard him say something to a bigger officer but I couldn't make it out. Before I knew it something was being jabbed into my arm. I heard muffled voices as I was being pushed into the car, but I couldn't make out much. Everything after that was just a huge blur to me.


12 years later
22 year old Harry was seated at the back of a black SUV, his deep voice was whispering dirty comments in a girl's ear (of which he had forgotten her name due to the strong effects of alcohol and his total lack of sanity). Every day was the same for Harry; meet a girl, charm her (which wasn't very hard considering the fact that he looked like a young god), take her out, get drunk and hook up. And tonight was no different.

He had everything that he had ever wanted... but he had a dark past and no soul, which led him to do the most deranged things. Only a few close friends knew the real Harry Styles. So every night after he had hooked up, he would get out and have what he liked to call fun. To everyone else he was known as the hot, rich kid with all the girls. He had done everything to run away from his past and make a new life for himself. His life was great now and that's exactly what he was thinking as he led the girl to his apartment.

She was a total slut, Harry could tell. She spoke with so much confidence, that it might have been mistaken for arrogance. He could see the outline of lace underwear through her tight dress. If you could even call it that. The dress barely covered her ass and as for her boobs, there wasn't really much he couldn't see. Her face covered in heavy makeup, he knew was gonna stain his sheets. But none the less he welcomed her inside.

Once they were inside she seductively push him against the door and smashed her lips onto his. But Harry was always the one to be in charge, so he propped her legs up on his waist and led her to the bed, never breaking the kiss. He put her down and got on top of her. He started trailing kisses from her lips down to her collarbone. Once he made it to the strap on her dress he
whispered into her ear, "Take it off." His hot breath making goosebumps go down her spine. And she quickly obeyed. She was under his control now and that's exactly  what Harry wanted.

By around 2am Harry was bored, the slut had left around 12:30, and so it was just him and his thoughts of homicide. He had turned on the tv an hour ago to distract him, but with thoughts begging to enter his mind, the movie did very little to distract him so he turned it off. He couldn't take it anymore. He knew that he would have to get out soon or else he would have an angry outburst. Which included him screaming incoherent phrases, pulling at his long curls and destroying stuff. He would lose control of his mind and couldn't do anything about it. So he grabbed his coat and left his apartment.

So that was the first chapter everyone, omg I'm so happy I'm done. Hope you enjoy. Btw this wasn't edited so let me know if there are any mistakes. Hopefully I'll be able to upload once a week. The chapters will get longer I promise. Please comment, like and vote. Bye
Xx qualitysmxtdealer

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