"You come to my job all the time, so what's the difference?"

"That's different, very different."

Lauren ignored me and pulled out a food storage container with a brown substance inside. "Anyway, I brought you lunch."

"Oh, word?"

I took the container from her and opened it to see what it was. A small smile may have graced my face before a frown followed.

"Okay, preciate' it. Why you trying to bribe me with mashed potatoes and beef stew?"

"I can't be nice..."

I chuckled softly and shook my head. "Nah, not to me. What's the deal?"

"Shut up, I'm the nicest person you know. Anyway, soooo remember last week when we saw Ky and I suggested that we have dinner at--"

"No," I quickly interrupted her knowing where she was going with this. That bitch made nigga or his lady were not stepping inside my house. I'm not having it.

"C'mon now, Bam."

"Lauren, I'm not doing it. I'm not letting that nig--dude in my house. Period." She sighed deeply and pouted sullenly at my reply.

I shook my head at how she was trying to convince me to give in. I handed her the container back, so that she knew I wasn't playing games. Lauren quickly placed her hand out to reject getting the food back.

"Please...plus, I kind of already invited them for dinner tonight."

I stared her down, trying to contain my anger in front of my co-workers and this is the last place to go off on somebody at. "Well, uninvite them."

She gave me an uneven look and I could tell that she was disappointed. I hated when she would look at me like that. "How long are you going to hold this hatred you have for him?"

I didn't even wanna go into this conversation with her right now, so I let it go. I mentally cursed myself because I knew that I would regret this decision later.

"Laurie, can we not do this here...please. Have the damn dinner."

She rose up from behind my desk with a smirk and her arms opened out wide. "Yay. Now, come give me a hug."

"Nah, I'm good. I'll see you later."

Lauren rolled her eyes at me and wrapped her arms around neck anyway as I was still sitting my desk's edge. She squeezed my neck tightly when I did not reciprocate.

"Chill out. You holding it too tight."

Lauren let out a cackle before speaking. "Mhm, be nice and give me a hug back. You know you want too, ol' soft ass."

I cracked a smile and put my arms around her to embrace back. "Who you calling soft?"

"You, old man..." she said as she pulled back from our hug. "Anyway, let me go. Gloria waiting for me outside."

"Ah, I see. Tell her I say what's up."

Lauren arched her brows. "So, you can say hi to her, but couldn't even say hey when you saw me. Nice," she joked.


She playfully rolled her eyes and picked up her purse to leave. "Bye, Brandon. Dinner's at 7. Try not to be late."

I watched Lauren walk out of the district before slouching down in my chair behind my desk. I looked up to see Reed looking at me with a smile. "What you smiling at me for Jared?"

"You and your girl are lowkey cute bruh."

I busted out laughing and furiously shook my head. "Funny, but she's not my girl."

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