Chapter 31: A Future Set In Stone

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Chapter 31:

Niall pushes the hair that has fallen in front of my face behind my ear and smiles at me. His eyes are more captivating than the sky above my head.

"You will never know just how beautiful you are to me." He whispers, his breath fanning my face.

I just stare at him with wide eyes as something registers within me.

This is so much more than a summer fling. This means so much more to me than I expected it to. In this moment I never want to leave him. I want this. I want us.

Something clicks deep inside of me. Like turning on a lightbulb that has been off for a long time, the warmth is finally radiating again. I finally feel whole. I'm finally satisfied with my life...more than that I'm happy with my life.

A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.

The smile fades from his face as he takes his hand and begins to run his thumb along my jawline. His eyes follow his hand and then they look up to meet mine.

"I love you." He breathes out softly.

My heart explodes and I gasp slightly but it's not audible.

My mouth opens as my mind tries to form a reply.

"Before you say anything, I want you to know that I don't expect a reply. I want you to tell me when your ready, whether that means in five minutes or five years. I don't want you to say it now just because I did." He smiles and then pulls me into him.

What scares me the most about this is that a moment ago I was about to reply, but I have no idea what I was going to say. There are so many things I should be saying right now. So many things I need to say.

Honestly I'd do anything to save us, but it's just so hard to say it. I know it's because of the imminent end of this relationship. I wish I could tell him how I feel before it's too late. I am going to end up waiting until it's gone. Just like the song he sang. Every word means something to the both of us. I just think it means something a little different. And that's not fair to him.

None of this is.

A pang of guilt surges through me. But I can't even focus on that right now because guess what? Niall loves me.

And that is all that matters right now.

I nuzzle my face into his chest and curl myself into a ball. He reaches over and pulls a couple blankets over us. We lay in silence as my mind eases off into the most peaceful sleep I've had in ages.


Birds chirp above my head as my eyes squint open. The sun is a pale blue, the rays of light becoming brighter by the minute. I smile to myself as I remember last night but the thought also brings a fresh round of pain coming from my lower region. It's going to be really fun if I have to walk a lot today.

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