Protection (1-Shot)

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Marik sat curled up at the corner of the couch that was strategically placed in front of the television. Pain shot through his head and lower body as the bruises pounded and the cuts burned. A news show was going on about something that happened in the government that day but he wasn't paying any mind to it. His thoughts were on a more relevant topic: Melvin.

Melvin was away on a so called 'business trip' with his friends Bakura, Atem, and Seth. Business usually included a little bit of thievery, fights with other gangs, a bit of running from the police, and some more thievery. It wasn't that Marik had an issue with his boyfriend's habits, he loved the crazy haired blond very much, but loving him came with some warranted consequences.

The gangs Melvin and his friends would raid didn't especially appreciate being robbed and would often send scouts to find out where they could hurt their enemies the most: their loved ones. When Melvin was gone, a few gang members would often come by the apartment Marik shared with him and the end result was anything but pleasant.

He shivered at the thought of the last beating he received and knew he'd have to go by some foundation and lotion to hide the injuries for when Melvin returned home. Marik hated lying to him, but he knew that his lover would go absolutely berserk at the mere idea of someone hurting him. No doubt Melvin would gather up his friends and go kill the bastards who did this to him. Marik didn't like thinking someone could die because of him, for he struggled with his own father's recent demise to readily.

He pulled the blanket closer around him for comfort as tears fell from his eyes. He briefly wondered when Melvin would return to him. Sometimes it would be a couple days and other times it would be a few weeks before Melvin would saunter back into the apartment bragging about his latest successful heist. Marik had actually pulled the blanket off of Melvin's bed to savor the lingering scent of his boyfriend's cologne. He could only hope Melvin would return before the gang members returned for another beating.

Marik had nearly put himself to sleep when the door to the apartment opened and closed with quiet squeaks. His lavender eyes shot open in alarm and he stiffened. As the single pair of footsteps drew closer to his position, Marik turned around on the couch to see who was coming into the living room. His thoughts automatically turned to the worst.

"Wh-Who's there?" Marik called meekly, attempting to put on a brave face despite the tear stains that lined his cheeks. He unconsciously clutched the blanket closer to himself as fear shot through him.

"It's me, Marik," Melvin replied softly before approaching him slowly. He could see the tension leave Marik's face but he could tell that he was still wary of him. He wondered why Marik would act like that and after a moment of silence passed, Melvin decided to speak. "What are you doing up at this hour? You hate late night news," he said in reference to what was currently playing on the TV.

"I've discovered a new passion for it," Marik lied quickly. He didn't want Melvin to know that he had been up because of the pain his injuries caused him. "They just aired a sad story that caused me to tear up a bit is all," he said in answer to Melvin's next obvious question: Why was he crying?

Melvin seemed to fall for it. "I've missed you, Marik," he whispered quietly as he approached. He reached out his hand to touch Marik's head affectionately, but Marik flinched back. Both of their eyes widened at the sudden action.

"Sorry!" Marik blurted out, his tough-guy demeanor falling down quickly upon realising his mistake. "I-I didn't mean to-" He broke down crying and Melvin was beside him in seconds. "I didn't mean-

"No," Melvin interrupted him gruffly. To say he was confused would be an understatement. Why did Marik flinch away like that? Melvin thought in alarm. "It's alright, Marik." There was an unspoken question sitting between them that neither wanted to ask nor answer. Melvin decided to just sit there until Marik calmed down enough to realise that he wasn't a threat. He didn't know what happened while he was away, but he was going to find out.

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