Oh Sweet Memories:39

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Ava's pov

I woke up today and wore a long sleeve, grey, sweater with blue jeans and black boots with little heels.
I went to the kitchen and found waffles still warm and ate a few. Once I finished eating I put my dark green, knee length, jacket that is super fuzzy and warm on with a black infinity scarf. I left with a note put next to the waffles.
I went inside the building and went to my locker that was right next to my next class. English. The teacher is great and it's never boring in her class.
It's now lunch and I went to my usual spot. Under the weeping willow. Yes, our school has this tree and it's only because of how old the school is. It was built in 1608. Yes it is old, but it is still modern. It has water fountains, electricity, even wifi! (I got the code from the guidance counselors office) I sat inside the part of the tree that curves inside. It's pretty deep. I could lay down and have space. It was like a little cave to myself. But at the very end it says Mary + John 1737 in a heart shape and another one Petunia and Jakub 1809 also in a heart shape. As I was tracing my fingers against the words I noticed another carving. Alexandria Victoria and William James 1834. Could that be Queen Victoria? I've heard she fell in love with a man when she was 15.
I turned around and pulled my books closer to me. I ripped out a page in my art book and put it on top of the words. I shaded over it with my pencil until you could see the words clearly written. I folded it neatly and shoved it into my notebook and then decided to eat my lunch.
It was the last period of the day now and Aiden was staring at me for the past 15 minutes. We're in the back of class so the teacher didn't notice him yet.
"Ok class now partner up in pairs but it has to be boy girl because we have enough students to do that now. I will give you the project directions when you're done." Mr. Swelles said.
"Ok ,Aiden?" I asked turning to him. He just stared at me. I snapped my fingers in front of his face and he snapped out of it.
"Huh ,y-yeah?" He asked while scratching the back of his neck and blushing a little.
"Do you even know what we're doing?" I asked bluntly.
"Umm no?"
"Cheeseus (cheese Jesus), ok so we need to partner up and we're doing a project."
"Oh so we're doing it together?"
"Who else? Wait do you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend?"
"NO NO no I don't I was just wondering because Matt was eyeing you down over there so I just...assumed." He pointed over to a guy with dark brown hair tousled to the right and the perfect mix of deep ocean blue and neon blue together. A little tanner than the other guys here and a jawline that can cut a bitch.
I gave him a small wave and pursed my lips to a thin line. He just smirked and started to walk over through the crowded classroom.
"Hey wanna work together?" He asked. Now his voice was what melted through all of the others.
"Sorry but I'm already working with Aiden."
"But you two always work together." He retorted.
"We do." I questioned Aiden.
He nodded quickly.
"Can I work with him since we apparently always work together?"
"Yeah sure." He said after he gulped nervously.
"Ok sure." I followed him to the desk next to him and looked to see everyone settled down. Aiden paired with Jessica since she had no one to work with. She has pale blonde hair and milk chocolate brown eyes.
The teacher hades out packets and I skimmed through it. The bell rang and I started to pack it away.
"Hey wanna get a start on he project today?
"Yeah sure, do you want to come over and start it at mine after school?"
"Ok sounds good, I'll meet you at your locker?"
"Yep see ya." I said as I saluted him off.
I walked to my locker and I felt a tug on my hand. I turned around and saw Aiden.
"Hey you wanna hang out after school?"
"Sorry Matt is coming over so we can start the project."
"The project is due next month."
"It is? Oh well we'll have more time off when we're done."
"Ok see you later then."
I was at my locker and started to get dressed as we didn't have any homework just the project. As I put on my scarf Matt walked over.
"Hey Matt. So how long did it take you to get here. Be honest." Everyone has trouble setting to my locker. I think it's because its in the hall where the senior classes are.
"I got pretty lost." He stated.
"Ok lets go."
"Dan! Phil! I'm home!" I yelled throughout the whole house.
"Heyy- oh um hi." Dan said as he saw Matt.
"Oh this is Matt. He came over so we can start on a project."
"Oh ok I'll get you guys some snacks."
"Let's go up to my room." I told Matt.
We plopped down on my bed and I took out my packet of the directions.
"Umm so who do you live with?" Matt asked out of the blue.
"With my cousins. Why?"
"I was just wondering because you don't look like umm-Dan that's his name?"
"Well you don't even know what Phil looks like."
"Describe him then."
"Well he has black hair and blue eyes."
"Are they brothers?"
"Well they wouldn't be my cousins would they then."
"Do they have the same last name?"
"Are they even brothers?"
"I don't know ok?! Can we just start the project?"
"Sorry yeah."
We finished the whole thing and it only took two hours. Matt left after five minutes of finishing because he had homework and needed to do it. I could have helped him but he refused.
My phone rang and I picked up.

Hey Ava um this is an awkward question but can you ask Dan if I could stay the night?

Yeah sure

I didn't end the call but I did go to Dan.
"Hey Dan Aiden asked if he could stay the night."
His face morphed from happy to concerned.
"Yeah sure he can."

Ok yeah you can stay

Good because I'm here anyway

The call ended and I ran downstairs to the front door.  I swung the door open and saw him standing there red eyes and puffy graced with o coat and a small suitcase. I pulled him in side and hugged him tight. It felt like the right thing to do so I did it. He hugged back and after a solid 2 minutes of hugging I helped him up to my room. When we got into my room he asked where Dan was.
"He's in the lounge."
"Is Phil home?"
"No actually he left about an hour ago to Peej's house."
"Oh ok thanks."
He left to the lounge and merely give minutes later I heard light sobs. I went over closer to the lounge and heard them talking now. Then the talking stopped. Aiden left the room and Dam was left by himself. Again light sobs.
I went back to my room and saw him crying while leaning against my bed.
I quickly ran over to his side and hugged him.
"What happened?" I whispered to his ear.
He cried softer now and I could tell he wanted to tell me something.
"Well..th-the reason I asked to c-come and stay the night is because my dad had a heart attack and didn't make it. Now my mom fracked out and is drinking so s-she could calm down."
I looked into his eyes and somehow I understood. As if I went through this. We moved up on to the bed and I hugged him. He needed comfort and I'll be the one giving him it. He grabbed my sweater and cried uncontrollably for fifteen minutes until he was sleeping on me. I looked down at him and decided to move him I held his shoulders and I stood up. He pulled me back down into the spot I was just in. I stood up again and picked him up. I uncovers the sheets on the. Bed and put him in. I pulled the sheets over his peaceful body and saw a small ,gentle smirk.
I went downstairs to the kitchen to see if we had anything to eat for tomorrow. But as I got to the door I heard Dan and Phil talking about the death. I knew Phil would take care of Dan so I waited before I went in. After five minutes of waiting I went into the kitchen and looked through every cabinet. I found some cereal for tomorrow and left to my room. It was now around ten and I started to feel sleepy. I decided since I'm wearing comfortable clothes I wouldn't change into my pjs. I went under the sheets and fell asleep.
I woke up to bedsheets crumbling. I saw Aiden stood up. Just standing there.
"Aiden you ok?"
"Oh sorry did I wake you up?"
"No worrys."
He walked around to my side of the bed and sat down. I moved my feet from under the covers to the floor.
We just sat there for a while before I put my head on his shoulder. He looked down at me and I looked up at him.
He started to lean in towards me. It felt like it wasn't the first time so I quickly followed.
Our lips met and my life flashed behind my eyes.
I remember.
I remember everything.

EEK oml ik cliffhanger. 2 more chapters to go!!

The way my life changed (on hold) || A Dan Howell and Phil Lester fictionWhere stories live. Discover now