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I wasn't at the arena but Raij and Brick called me, celebrating their title win. I was proud of them. Now it's my turn to get my first title. Tag team, Intercontinental, or hell, even the world title. But time will only tell.

Smackdown Live

Mauro: Welcome to Smackdown Live! Mauro Ranallo, Scottie Ace, and JBL with you. Rahzel already in the ring with the mic.

"I know that tonight wasn't the first time y'all seen me this week. Last night, I went to Raw and got some sweet ol' vengeance at Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson for their actions from this past sunday at Survivor Series.

But that's not good enough for me. Well the other me that is. You two are going to be in a whirlwind of hell because I'm not through with you two.

Shane-o and D-Bry, I'm doing this for me. I know you two don't want anymore trouble with Raw-"

I was interrupted by music of AJ Styles. The World champion comes out with a look of disgust.

AJ: Blah, blah, blah. Is this how we open Smackdown Live? No! No! No! I am the FACE that runs the PLACE! It is embarrassing that we lost to Raw at Survivor Series. Thanks to you.

Then, you go to Raw and beat up my boys? You got a lot of nerve. If we were together, you wouldn't exist. What is a failure like you doing in a ring?

"You're right AJ. I got a lot of nerve. But your boys started this and didn't think I was going stay quite. No sir, I won't. I learn a great life lesson from my favorite wrestler, I don't forgive and I don't forget.

You are the face that runs the place and the champ that runs the camp. But you are the ass in the class and it's about time someone take you to detention. So get in the ring and I'll send your boys a message."

I drop the mic and invite AJ to the ring. The titantron change to Stephanie McMahon.

Stephanie: Excuse me AJ. Before you "Beat up Rahzel", Rahzel, I know you wanted to get your hands on Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. I wanted to have them go to Smackdown but I'll save them the trouble and see AJ Styles give you the beating you deserve.

But I got a better idea. Next monday, Raw will be in your hometown, Charlotte, NC. What a great homecoming to have you in, on Raw. But instead of a glorious welcome home...it will be a horrific, brutal, beatdown.

Rahzel, you come to Raw, in your hometown, to be in a match. Hope to see you there.

After the segment, GM room

Daniel: Rahzel, if you going to Raw is a trap. We won't be able to help you.

"Daniel, I don't want you to be involved in my war. I'm going to my hometown, I'm going to the city I love and tell Stephanie that I got two words for her.

Crowd: Suck it!

"Plus I got some friends there."

Daniel: [Laughs] Okay fine. I'm just warning you. But tonight, how about sending that message by facing AJ Styles.

"Thanks D-Bry!"

Main Event
AJ Styles vs Rahzel

Closing moments

I backflip off the ropes and perform an flying clothesline to the World champion. I got back up and went up the turnbuckle. Not wasting time, I drop the El "Boi" elbow drop.

I await AJ to get up for my finisher. As AJ got up, the lights suddenly turn off.

Scottie: What the-

JBL: Daniel forget to pay the light bill?

[Lights turn back on]

Mauro: Whatever happen, AJ has Rahzel in the Styles Clash. Hits it!

1, 2, 3

Ring announcer: Here's your winner, the WWE World Champion, AJ Styles!

AJ snatches his title and walks off. Rahzel turns over and on his back in red was the word, failure.


I'm trying to separate the ring life and personal life in different chapters. Looks like Rahzel is having double trouble. We'll see if he can get back on his winning ways on Raw.

Ranzel: My Moment, Year 1 (WWE Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now