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I sitting  their crying and praying that everything is going be okay. I pull my knees closer to  my chest. Then I felt rain drops on my skin, Shit  now it's raining I jump up and started running for cover. 

Then I bump into the most handsome man I ever laid my eyes on. "Shit, I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" He grab my arm and, pulled me under his umbrella. "Hey don't worry about, Are you okay? it look likes you've been crying?" I look into those ocean blue eyes which made me paralyzed. "Huh? yeah I'm okay, oh by the way my name is Margot Robbie." He gave me a smile "Hello Margot I'm Jared Leto  it's nice to meet you." 

"it's nice to meet you to Jared" I look around to see the people, running and pushing each other so they can get out of the rain. "This isn't a good place to talk how about we get some coffee" I look at Jared and frowned "I would love to Jared, but I got to go" He stares at me and says "Oh that's okay Margot" he stops and think "Are you free tomorrow? I lied "Yeah! I'm free as a bird" I gave him a big smile.

"Great Can we meet up here  around noon how about that?"  "That would be prefect Jared I'll see ya tomorrow" He smile and it sound like a whisper "See ya too Margot"

The rain died down I felt sick on my stomach, I wanted to start  crying again. I saw a rainbow it was so clear and beautiful,  I pulled out my phone to take a photo.  Wow it's so beautiful, maybe this is my sign of hope that everything is going be okay.

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