Ryuko defeats Takaharu

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"It's just you and me, transfer student."

Takaharu's words rang in Ryukos ears, "I'm gonna take some more blood ok?" Said Senketsu. Ryuko felt a burst of new energy, and she ran at Takaharu who had his iron gloves on.
Takaharu was gonna hit Ryuko, but thanks to Senketsu she moved to the left and dodged it.


~Lady Satsukis P.O.V~

I watched as Matoi and Takaharu fought and I heard yelling and cheering behind me

I saw Nonon, Inumuta, Sanegayama, Sakura and Gamagoori all shouting different things.

"Cmon don't let Lady Satsuki down!!" Yelled Nonon

"Cmon you don't want to lose your 2 star Goku uniform and be demoted to a no star!!" Shouted Gamagoori and Sanegayama.

I hoped that Matoi wouldn't win.

~Ryukos P.O.V.~

I wish the Elite four would shut up. I can't concentrate on this fight.

I looked up for a second and saw Lady Satsuki staring at me. I looked back just in time to dodge another attack from Takaharu.

I was starting to feel weak, I knew Senketsu was drinking more blood, but he gave me strength.

I dodged all of Takaharu's attacks and went fast, (Gotta Go Fast, sorry I had to do that), I used my scissor blade and cut his iron gloves.

Takaharu's P.O.V.
Oh no, the transfer student cut my gloves, I'm useless,(kinda a yandere simulator reference when saki minds lave is gonna kill kokona and herself)

I continued to fight despite the stare I felt from Lady Satsuki.

I was defeated...

Sorry for not updating a lot, I hope this is good I plan on updating later this week maybe Tommorow cause it's early release. Bye!!

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