First day

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The boys on the bus all looked at me as I got on. Then the dirty looks from the snobby girls. I hated the bus. It is the worst place in the world. The smell is bloodcurdling. The sound will make you deaf. The kids will make you crazy. Well, if this is what it takes to get to high school, then I will be okay.

The girls moved around to give me my own seat and the boys all turned to face the front. I'm going to fit in just fine here. I moved my black purse to my side. My converse looked so ratty. Guess that's what I get for wearing them during drum practice. I hope I can make it on the drum line this year.

The bus stopped and all the girls were trying to get seats to themselves. Why? Who's so special that... and then he got on. He was tall. Short black hair spiked up a bit. His red hoodie clinging to his body. His blue eyes were piercing. He was very good looking. He had in small gauges and a lip piercing. His nose was pierced and when he smiled at the girls his teeth were white. He told all the girls he would text them or call them later. Then he sat down next to...... me?!

Why would he sit next to me? Of all the people he could have, he chose me. Thank you, God! This day might be better than I thought. Oh, hes looking at me...

"Hi. I'm Tyagi." He said in a gentle voice.

"Hello. My name is Arabella."

"Your new here?"

"Yes, and honestly I'm having a small panic attack on the inside. Is the school really three stories high?" I asked hesitantly.

"Well, yes it is. The place is huge. Good thing you met me today. That would have been torture trying to make your way through that place." He smiled a huge grin. His teeth were absolutely beautiful. I love his snakebites.

"I guess it is. What year are you?"

"I'm in eleventh. You?"

"I'm in eleventh also."

"Do you have your schedule?"

"Yes. Dad gave me my schedule after he signed me up and got me registered. Here you go." I handed my schedule over to him.

"Mhm... Yup... Hmmm... Interesting...." He mumbled going over my schedule.

"What? Is it good? Are they okay? Tell me!" I started to have a mini-attack.

"It's fine, it's fine. We have Anatomy together third period, you have graphic arts first with my buddy Gill, and you wll have history with him as well. That leaves... BAND!!!!" He giggled so much. I knew it. Just like all the other jerks. He hated band kids. I gave him a mean look.

"Is that a problem?" I said in a tone of sarcasm.

"No, no. We have it together. Wait, are you the new snare drummer that Mrs. Gaits was talking about?"

The weight lifted off me like a ton of bricks. "Yes! I am. What do you play?"

"I play the quints."

This can't be happening.

"I'm the drum captain, actually. You'll have to take orders from me." he winked at me.

This really can't be happening..

"Maybe to catch up you could swing by my house, say... tomorrow night?"

Oh, crap. This is happening...

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